Optometric management of video display terminal related vision problems


The growth of the digital market is progressively leaving a big impact on eye care professionals’ practice, whose rule is to permit a comfortable vision to their patients. Video display terminal related vision problems have drawn a particular attention, since the number of computer workers have increased over the last years. The popularity of smaller digital devices, such as smart phones and tablets, is increasing also among younger generations, as almost every child own one by the start of elementary school. Computers have also become an irreplaceable accessory, when talking about students in higher education institutes. The main objective of the thesis is to analyse Computer Vision Syndrome along with other vision related problems induced by other digital devices and a proper management of those. To alleviate the symptoms and to provide a comfortable vision, while using digital screens for several hours, optometrists have a wide selection of different treatment methods. Various researches, that approve better visual performance after the consultation with an eye care professional, have been studied. Prevention, including a proper positioning of the computer workstation or ergonomic mobile phone and tablet use, plays a significant rule. However, in the presence of the symptoms, depending on the nature of those, different approaches should be considered; the most common solutions to combat CVS are correction of refraction error, binocular and accommodative dysfunction, decreasing the amount of blue light entering the eye and dry eye management. Since the rapidly digitized world is changing people’s behaviour, the visual demands required for operating modern technology will continue to increase

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