Violencia vicaria. Instrumento de altos niveles de daño a las víctimas y a la sociedad


Violence always brings physical and psychological consequences to both individuals and society. In this sense, when violence involves sons, daughters, or other family members, and is carried out by the father, it is called vicarious violence, which happens when the mother decides to separate from her partner and he takes revenge. Unfortunately, this type of violence is not yet sufficiently typified in the laws, therefore, the importance of this research, which allows, through the positions of the different authors, to analyze vicarious violence from its conceptualizations, its victims, to the advances that have been made in terms of national and international laws, regulations, classifications or procedures, going through the cases that have caused the greatest impact, which can serve as jurisprudence. For this, a documentary-type methodology is used, based on bibliographic design. And so, as a result of this exhaustive bibliographical review, and the analysis of the cases, it was possible to verify that there are currently some advances, but that it is necessary to continue discussing, analyzing and generating laws, likewise, families must be re-educated in order to counteract that terrible scourge and avoid fatalities. Keywords: victims, violence, laws, separation, vicarious violence.La violencia siempre trae consigo, las consecuencias física y psicológica tanto a las personas como a la sociedad. En ese sentido, cuando la violencia involucra a los hijos, hijas, u otros miembros de la familia, y es ejecutada por el padre, se le llama violencia vicaría, la cual sucede cuando la madre, decide separarse de su pareja y esta toma venganza. Lamentablemente, este tipo de violencia aún no está lo suficientemente tipificada en las leyes, por ello, la importancia de esta investigación, que permite a través de las posiciones de los diferentes autores, analizar la violencia vicaria desde sus conceptualizaciones, sus víctimas, hasta los avances que se han realizado en cuanto a las leyes, normas, tipificaciones  o procedimientos tanto nacionales como internacionales, pasando por los casos que han causado mayor impacto, que pueden servir como jurisprudencia. Para esto, se usa una metodología de tipo documental, basada en el diseño bibliográfico. Y así, a raíz de esta exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, y del análisis de los casos, se pudo constatar que actualmente existen algunos avances, pero que se debe continuar discutiendo, analizando y generando leyes, asimismo se debe reeducar a las familias a fin de contrarrestar ese terrible flagelo y evitar víctimas fatales. Palabras claves: victimas, violencia, leyes, separación, violencia vicaria. ABSTRACT Violence always brings physical and psychological consequences to both individuals and society. In this sense, when violence involves sons, daughters, or other family members, and is carried out by the father, it is called vicarious violence, which happens when the mother decides to separate from her partner and he takes revenge. Unfortunately, this type of violence is not yet sufficiently typified in the laws, therefore, the importance of this research, which allows, through the positions of the different authors, to analyze vicarious violence from its conceptualizations, its victims, to the advances that have been made in terms of national and international laws, regulations, classifications or procedures, going through the cases that have caused the greatest impact, which can serve as jurisprudence. For this, a documentary-type methodology is used, based on bibliographic design. And so, as a result of this exhaustive bibliographical review, and the analysis of the cases, it was possible to verify that there are currently some advances, but that it is necessary to continue discussing, analyzing and generating laws, likewise, families must be re-educated in order to counteract that terrible scourge and avoid fatalities. Keywords: victims, violence, laws, separation, vicarious violence. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 06 de abril de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 29 de junio de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 10 de julio de 2023

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