Influence of Niacin Application on TNF-α, Haptoglobin and Fibrinogen Values in Cows in Peripartal Period


Peripartalni period kod krava predstavlja stanje metaboličkog stresa koje se karakteriše različitim negativnim efektima. U ovom radu su opisani inflamatorni procesi kod krava u peripartalnom periodu. Naime, opisano je delovanje citokina, kao i interakcija citokina, metabolita i jetre kao centralnog metaboličkog organa. Prikazana je inflamacija tkiva u peripartalnom periodu sa posebnim osvrtom na značaj faktora nekroze tumora alfa (TNF-α). U tom kontekstu, ispitan je uticaj aplikacije niacina kod krava na regulisanje inflamatornog odgovora kroz merenje vrednosti TNF-α, haptoglobina i fibrinogena i poređenje sa kontrolnom grupom. Smanjenje koncentracije TNF-α i haptoglobina pod uticajem niacina ukazuje na njegov antiinflamatorni efekat, što sugeriše na značaj njegove primene kod krava u peripartalnom periodu.The peripartum period in cows represents a state of metabolic stress characterized by various negative effects. This paper describes the inflammatory processes in cows during the peripartum period. Namely, it describes the action of cytokines, as well as the interactions of cytokines, metabolites and the liver as the central metabolic organ. Tissue inflammation in the peripartum period is presented with a particular focus on the importance of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). Within this context, the influence of niacin application in cows on the regulation of the inflammatory response was examined by measuring the values of the TNF-α, haptoglobin and fibrinogen and comparing it with the control group. The decrease in the concentration of TNF-α and haptoglobin under the influence of niacin indicates its anti-inflammatory effects, which suggests the importance of its use in cows in the peripartum period

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