Decision-support tools for selection of pipeline corrosion coatings


A suitable coating is one with high performance and durability; low surveillance and maintenance needs; easy application with no health implications and finally is cost effective. It is not difficult to imagine that one type of coating would not be suitable for all situations. Thus, a decision support tool is needed to assist (not replace) the decision maker in choosing the most appropriate coating This paper presents three methods for a pipeline corrosion coating selection process, where judgment of more than one expert can be aggregated to reach consensus. Based on a literature research, sixteen different criteria for the selection of coatings have been identified. Firstly the paper considers a few multi-criteria decision making methods, and then compares three different decision support tools namely: a simple addition of weights, Pugh’s Matrix and Borda’s algorithm, where the judgment of more than one expert can be elicited and combined. Criteria for selection of the coating are then identified, and a panel of experts are asked to rate a number of candidate coatings against these criteria. Their voting is combined using Borda’s algorithm and Pugh’s matrix. An example is presented to demonstrate the application of these methods and what a good compromise might look like; providing the decisionmaker with the ability to weigh options and set priorities

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