Factors Contributing to Successful Employment Outcomes for Hispanic Women Who Are Deaf: Utilization of Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector and Logistic Regression Analysis


Hispanic women who are deaf constitute a heterogeneous group of individuals with varying vocational needs. To understand the unique needs of this population, it is important to analyze how consumer characteristics, presence of public supports, and type of services provided influence employment outcomes for Hispanic women who are deaf. The purpose of this study was to examine predictive factors of consumer characteristics, public supports, and patterns of service delivery related to employment among Hispanic women who are deaf utilizing the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) case service report (RSA-911) for fiscal year 2009 (FY 2009). Exhaustive chi-squared automatic interaction detector (CHAID) analysis and binary logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the RSA-911 dataset. CHAID analysis allowed the extrapolation of four homogeneous subgroups (i.e., end groups) with similar characteristics influential in predicting successful versus unsuccessful employment outcomes. Results from the CHAID analysis revealed public support is the most salient factor in predicting employment outcomes for Hispanic women who are deaf. Resulting end groups from the CHAID analysis were used to inform the logistic regression analysis. The logistic regression analysis highlighted on-the-job supports, diagnosis and treatment of impairment, job placement services, rehabilitation technology, and assessment services rehabilitation services as the most influential services enhancing the probability of achieving a successful outcome

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