Excamination the satsfatcion of the user s family with the approach of the health team of the palliative care department in the Special hospital for extended treatmant Duga Resa and Hospice Marija K.Kozulić


Palijativna skrb je aktivna i cjelovita skrb za osobu s uznapredovalom i neizlječivom bolesti. Osim palijativnog pacijenta u skrb su i aktivno uključeni članovi njegove/njezine obitelji. Primarni cilj palijativne skrbi je ublažiti patnju, otkloniti bol te poboljšati kvalitetu života do posljednjeg trenutka. Palijativna skrb ne prestaje smrću palijativnog pacijenta već traje i nakon smrti u vidu pružanja podrške obitelji tijekom procesa žalovanja. Palijativna skrb svoje početke nalazi u davnoj povijesti no tijekom 20. a naročito 21. stoljeća bilježi svoj razvoj. Danas se edukacijom i senzibilizacijom javnosti govori o palijativnoj skrbi, što ona zapravo jest i kome je namijenjena. Vodeću ulogu u promociji palijativne skrbi imaju zdravstveni radnici a osim njih i mediji. Danas je strateškim planom osiguran način na koji će se palijativna skrb provoditi u Republici Hrvatskoj, odjel za palijativno liječenje i hospicij samo su neki od načina pružanja palijativne skrbi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 55 ispitanika točnije članova obitelji palijativnih pacijenata kojima je pružana palijativna skrb na odjelu za palijativno liječenje u Specijalnoj bolnici za produženo liječenje Duga Resa u gradu Duga Resa i Hospiciju Marija K.Kozulić u gradu Rijeka. Rezultati navedenog istraživanja idu u prilog postavljenim hipotezama, točnije članovi obitelji palijativnog pacijenta upoznati su s pojmom „palijativna skrb“ te zadovoljstvo članova obitelji pruženom palijativnom skrbi nije povezano s učestalosti posjećivanja palijativnog pacijenta u bolnici ili hospiciju. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju zadovoljstvo članova obitelji pristupom zdravstvenog tima na odjelu za palijativno liječenje specijalne bolnice za produženo liječenje Duga Resa i Hospiciju Marija K.Kozulić.Palliative care is active and comprehensive care for a person with an advanced and incurable disease. In addition to the palliative patient, his/her family members are also actively involved in care. The primary goal of palliative care is to relieve suffering, eliminate pain and improve the quality of life until the last moment. Palliative care does not end with the death of the palliative patient, but continues even after death in the form of providing support to the family during the grieving process. Palliative care has its beginnings in ancient history, but during the 20th and especially the 21st century, it recorded its development. Today, by educating and sensitizing the public, palliative care is being talked about, what it actually is and for whom it is intended. The leading role in the promotion of palliative care is played by healthcare professionals, as well as the media. Today, the strategic plan ensures the way in which palliative care will be implemented in the Republic of Croatia, the department for palliative treatment and the hospice are only some of the ways of providing palliative care. "Satisfaction of the user's family with the approach of the health team of the palliative treatment department of the Special Hospital for Extended Treatment of Duga Res and the Marija K. Kozulić Hospice" is a final paper that belongs to the group of research papers. 55 respondents participated in the research, namely family members of palliative patients who received palliative care at the palliative care department at the Special Hospital for Extended Treatment Duga Resa in the city of Duga Resa and the Marija K. Kozulić Hospice in the city of Rijeka. The results of the mentioned research support the set hypotheses, more specifically, the family members of the palliative patient are familiar with the term "palliative care" and the satisfaction of the family members with the provided palliative care is not related to the frequency of visiting the palliative patient in the hospital or hospice. The results of the research confirm the satisfaction of family members with the approach of the health team at the palliative treatment department of the special hospital for prolonged treatment in Duga Res and the Marija K. Kozulić Hospic

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