You Shake My Nerves and You Rattle My Brain


Bradykinesia; Dysphagia; Social withdrawal; Retropulsive gaitA 39-year old male with a progressive inability to perform daily activities, worsening falls and dysphagia presumed to be harbingers of early-onset Parkinson. Previous history significant for traumatic brain injury.Abnormal, intrusive eye movementMRIPositive anti-Ma2 antibodyHormonal antineoplastic agents; IV immunoglobulin1. Castle J, Sakonju A, Dalmau J, Newman-Toker DE, Anti-Ma2-associated encephalitis with normal FDG-PET: a case of pseudo-Whipple's disease, Nature Clinical Practice Neurology, 2 (10), 566-572, 2006. 2. Dalmau J, Graus F, Villargo A, Posner JB, Blumenthal D, Thiessen B, Sarz A, Meneses P, Rosenfeld M, Clinical analysis of anti-Ma 2 associated encephalitis, Brain, 127, 1831-1844, 2004. 3. Gerard A, Sarrot-Reynauld F, Liozon E, Cathebras P, Besson G, Robin C, Vignetto A, Monsnier J, Durieu I, Durand D, Rousset H, Neurologic presentation of Whipple disease: Report of 12 cases and review of the literature, Medicine, 81(6), 443-457, 2002. 4. Louis ED, Lynch T, Kaufman P, Fahn S, Odel J, Diagnostic guidelines in central nervous system Whipple's disease, Annals of Neurology, 40(4), 561-568, 1996. 5. Rosenfeld M, Eichen J, Wade D, Posner J, Dalmau J, Molecular and clinical diversity in paraneoplastic immunity to Ma proteins, Annals of Neurology, 50, 339-348, 2001

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