Durable Vision Improvement After a Single Intravitreal Treatment With Antisense Oligonucleotide in CEP290-Lca: Replication in Two Eyes


PURPOSE: An intravitreally injected antisense oligonucleotide, sepofarsen, was designed to modulate splicing within retinas of patients with severe vision loss due to deep intronic c.2991 + 1655A \u3e G variant in the OBSERVATIONS: Visual function was evaluated with best corrected standard and low-luminance visual acuities, microperimetry, dark-adapted chromatic perimetry, and full-field sensitivity testing. Retinal structure was evaluated with OCT imaging. At the fovea, all visual function measures and IS/OS intensity of the OCT showed transient improvements peaking at 3-6 months, remaining better than baseline at ∼2 years, and returning to baseline by 3-4 years after each single injection. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPORTANCE: These results suggest that sepofarsen reinjection intervals may need to be longer than 2 years

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