Multimodal system for optical biopsy of melanoma with integrated ultrasound, optical coherence tomography and Raman spectroscopy


We introduce a new single-head multimodal optical system that integrates optical coherence tomography (OCT), 18 MHz ultrasound (US) tomography and Raman spectroscopy (RS), allowing for fast (<2 min) and noninvasive skin cancer diagnostics and lesion depth measurement. The OCT can deliver structural and depth information of smaller skin lesions (<1 mm), while the US allows to measure the penetration depth of thicker lesions (≥4 mm), and the RS analyzes the chemical composition from a small chosen spot (≤300 μm) that can be used to distinguish between benign and malignant melanoma. The RS and OCT utilize the same scanning and optical setup, allowing for co-localized measurements. The US on the other side is integrated with an acoustical reflector, which enables B-mode measurements on the same position as OCT and RS. The US B-mode scans can be translated across the sample by laterally moving the US transducer, which is made possible by the developed adapter with a flexible membrane. We present the results on custom-made liquid and agar phantoms that show the resolution and depth capabilities of the setup, as well as preliminary ex vivo measurements on mouse models with ∼4.3 mm thick melanoma

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