Review Potensi Pemanfaatan Protein Hewani Hidrolisat untuk Penanganan Stunting


Stunting is a priority nutritional problem that must be resolved immediately because it can have an impact on an individual's quality of life in the future. Providing animal protein in the form of protein hydrolyzate is considered to be a breakthrough to overcome this problem. The complete amino acid content in protein hydrolyzate can influence the signaling of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) which can improve individual growth and development. Protein hydrolyzate can be prepared chemically, microbiologically, and enzymatically. Protein hydrolyzate has a good level of safety and quality when used to intervene in stunting problems. This product can also be given alone or in combination with other ingredients through nutrification in various products. Therefore the use of protein hydrolyzate has the potential to be used as a product to overcome stunting problem

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