Meddržavne selitve prebivalcev Slovenije ter obseg emigrantov in tujcev v Sloveniji - devetdeseta leta


The article, which is based on a research project titled »Migration in Slovenia within the context of EU accession«, starts with some basic methodological explanation and continues with the presentation of the »stock« of Slovene emigrants abroad and of immigrants/foreigners in Slovenia, and finally, of external migration flows for the last two decades. At the end some main conclusions are presented. The core of the article is the presentation of external migration flows (legal and illegal). Statistically registered legal flows include- for the period till the mid 1990s - the flows of citizens of Slovenia, and after that also the flows of foreigners. Migration of citizens presents only a small part of total statistically registered flows. Regardless of the coverage of legal external flows net migration was positive during the last two decades. Illegal immigration is much higher than legal; during the second half of the 1990s it was 60% higher than the latter.Članek, ki temelji na raziskavi »Migracije v Sloveniji z luči vključitve v EU«, prikazuje najprej nekatere glavne metodološke utemeljitve, nato sledi prikaz »zaloge« slovenskih emigrantov v tujini in tujcev v Sloveniji ter meddržavnih selitvenih tokov v zadnjih dveh desetletjih. Na koncu so prikazane glavne sklepne ugotovitve. Jedro prispevka predstavlja prikaz meddržavnih selitvenih tokov, v okviru katerega prikazujemo tako legalne kot nelegalne tokove. Statistično evidentirani legalni tokovi vključujejo do srede devetdesetih let selitve državljanov, po tem letu pa tudi selitve tujcev. Selitve državljanov predstavljajo majhen delež vseh statistično evidentiranih meddržavnih selitvenih tokov Slovenije. Ne glede na pokritje legalnih meddržavnih selitev je imela Slovenija v zadnjih dveh desetletjihv teh selitvah neto selitveni prirast. Nelegalno priseljevanje je precej obsežnejše od legalnega; v drugi polovici devetdesetih let je slednjega presegalo za 60%

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