Poselitev Kranja v starejši železni dobi – pregled raziskav


The article provides an overview of the field research to date in Kranj, which have yielded material from the early and late Hallstatt period. The extent of settlement in the Hallstatt period, evidenced by the spread of finds, is relatively large and exceeds the size of the later medieval city. Grave finds from the Hallstatt period are consistently concentrated on the northern outskirts of the town, on the former river terrace. Bronze Age finds are very rare and without contexts in the form of structures. The amount of finds from individual phases of the Early Iron Age shows that the settlement reached its peak in its initial phase (Ha B3/C1). In the later phases, it still maintained its size, but settlement was less intensive. The transition to the La Tène and early Roman periods took place without interruption. During the early and late Hallstatt periods, the surroundings of Kranj were also quite intensively inhabited, especially Šmarjetna gora and Stražišče lying below it.V prispevku prinaša pregled dosedanjih raziskav v Kranju, ki so prinesle gradivo iz starejšega in mlajšega halštatskega obdobja, ter temu gradivu posvečene literature. Obseg naselbine v halštatski dobi, ki ga nakazuje razprostranjenost najdb, je razmeroma velik in presega velikost poznejšega srednjeveškega mesta. Grobne najdbe iz halštatske dobe so dosledno skoncentrirane na severno obrobje mesta, na rob nekdanje rečne terase. Bronastodobne najdbe so izrazito redke in brez kontekstov v obliki struktur. Količina najdb iz posameznih faz starejše železne dobe kaže, da je naselbina dosegla vrhunec v svoji začetni fazi (Ha B3/C1), medtem ko je v mlajši fazi sicer še ohranila svoj obseg, a je bila poselitev manj intenzivna. Prehod v latensko dobo in zgodnjo antiko je potekal brez prekinitve. V času starejšega in mlajšega halštatskega obdobja je bila dokaj intenzivno poseljena tudi okolica Kranja, zlasti Šmarjetna gora in pod njo ležeče Stražišče

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