Eureka, CA Fishing Community Sustainability Plan


The Eureka Fishing Community Sustainability Plan (FCSP) is the product of years of planning, hard work, and collaboration among a wide range of interests, led by local commercial and charter fishermen, processors, representatives from the mariculture industry, fishing-related businesses, fishing families, civic leaders, elected officials, City of Eureka staff, academia, business owners and operators, and funding from the federal government. An FCSP is a document outlined in the federal Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) to address “the social development needs of coastal communities.” The word “Fishing” has been added at the community’s discretion to better represent the focus of this strategic planning effort. CSP and FCSP are used interchangeably throughout the document and represent the same outcome. More specifically, CSPs are indicated in MSA for communities that wish to remain eligible to participate in the Federal Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) Groundfish Trawl fishery, an important component of the commercial fishing communities on California’s North Coast. However, in the case of this project, as in recent CSP efforts in California, the fishing communities and civic leaders view the CSP as an opportunity to develop a strategic planning document for the entire fishing industry that ensures its place within the greater economic, social, and environmental fabric of the community as well as to better secure access to the groundfish fishery

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