Minimizing Denial of Service Attack for Multiple Base Stations in Wireless Sensor Network


Wireless sensor network  (WSN) is a network communication technology that is  characterized by its small size; low power consumption and limited memory capacity. It provides communication in a broadcast manner.  These sensor nodes have no specific infrastructure and they are placed randomly throughout the network.  The use of WSNs is to collect data from physical environment and in real time. Error in the collected data or malfunctioning of the sensors can create problems on large scale. There are few ways and methods through which WSNs can be attacked. One of them is the Denial of Service Attack (DoS), which captures the nodes and takes its important data, modifies it or halt it from responding to a bona fide user. Various techniques are used to tackle DoS attack on WSNS. By using the multiple base station approach we can reduce and minimize the drastic effect of DoS attack on WSNs and makes our network secure and functioning in its normal condition

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