Ways of prevention of funding for youth informal groups of extremist orientation


The relevance of the article. The article explores ways of financing youth informal groups (associations) of the extremist. It is proposed to divide all youth informal groups (associations) that commit crimes of extremist nature into two types: 1) formed by its leader(s); 2) acting as the youth part of international extremist organizations, radical movements, and political parties. The process of financing an extremist association depends on how it was created. The methodology of the research. The scientific literature on youth informal groups (associations), the fight against extremism, the investigation of group crimes, etc. have been analyzed for writing the article. Besides, theoretical methods such as analysis method, synthesis method, comparison method, and classification method were used during the study. An empirical basis for the study was the investigation of crimes committed by members of youth informal groups (associations) of extremist orientation. Research results. In conclusions, the authors emphasize that identifying sources of funding is an essential condition for the process of the detection and investigation of crimes committed by members of extremist youth groups (unions). Identifying sources of funding and overlapping funding channels for youth extremist associations is a promising area of applied research

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