Mechanical Properties of UV Cured Mixture of Linear and Hyperbranched Urethane Acrylates


Ispitivane su smeše uretan akrilata na bazi linearnog poliestra i dva uretan akrilata, sa istim stepenom akrilovanja, na bazi alifatskih hiperrazgranatih poliestara (HRP). Linearni poliestar sintetisan je od neopentil glikola i adipinske kiseline. HRP treće generacije dobijen je od 2,2- bis(hidroksimetil)propionske kiseline i di-trimetilol propana. Modifikacija 60 % završnih OH grupa HRP-a izvedena je masnim kiselinama sojinog ulja ili izononskom kiselinom. Linearni uretan akrilat (LUA) i hiperrazgranati uretan akrilat (HUA) na bazi HRP modifikovanog masnim kiselinama sojinog ulja i HUA na bazi HRP modifikovanog izononskom kiselinom dobijeni su reakcijom određenog poliestra i izocijanatnog adukta, prethodno dobijenog reakcijom ekvimolarnih količina izoforon diizocijanata i 2-hidroksietil akrilata. Procena mešljivosti smeša LUA i HUA izvršena je na osnovu viskozimetrijskih merenja koristeći metodu koju je ustanovio Chee. Ovako pripremljenim smešama dodato je 20 mas. % heksandioldiakrilata i 4 mas. % fotoinicijatora, Irgacure 184, i umrežene su pod dejstvom UV zračenja. Umreženi uzorci ispitivani su u ogledima dinamičkog uvijanja i jednoosnog istezanja. Mehanička svojstva umreženih uzoraka zavise od mešljivosti komponenata smeše i od njenog sastava.The mixtures of urethane acrylate resin based on linear polyester and two urethane acrylates, with the same degree of acrylation, prepared from partially modified aliphatic hyperbranched polyesters (HBP), were examined. Linear polyester was obtained from neopentil glycol and adipic acid. HBP of the third generation was synthesized from 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid and ditrimethylol propane. The modification of 60 % OH end-groups of HBP was carried out with soybean fatty acids or isononanoic acid. Linear urethane acrylate (LUA) and hyperbranched urethane acrylate (HUA) based on the HBP modified with soy been faty acid and HUA based on the HBP modified with isononanoic acid were obtained by reaction of appropriate polyester and NCO adduct, previously obtained by reaction of equimolar amount of isophorone diisocyanate and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate. The miscibility of the prepared mixtures of LUA and HUAs was estimated according to viscosity measurements using the approach developed by Chee. UV curable formulation was obtained by adding hexanediol diacrylate (20 wt. %) and photoinitiator, Irgacure 184, (4 wt. %) to the prepared LUA and HUA mixtures. The UV cured samples were examined by dynamic torsion and uniaxial tension. It was obtained that mechanical properties of the UV cured samples depend on miscibility of mixture’s constituents and on its composition

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