La casa si vive da dentro e si tutela nella sua interezza


The theme is not that of the dwelling house tout court, but a different approach to what it can and must mean. The “home” - we are not talking about “residence” because this word is aseptic - has often risen to the honors of glory especially if readable as an element of rupture or innovation of the architectural language. So, it has been the protagonist of the news and history for its “appearance”, sometimes almost exclusively for its façades (Ville Savoye, Kauffmann or Farnsworth house) and much more rarely appreciated for its being “home” in the most beautiful, most intimate and truest sense of the term, which underlines its potential in designing the life of its inhabitants. The house is seen from the inside, its windows are appreciated by those who live there for the views they frame, for the light and air they let in, and not for the full/empty ratio or for the lines they draw on the external fronts; the house is (or is not) welcoming, comfortable, functional, enjoyable for those who use the furnishings, exploit the spaces, walk through it, clean it, ..., in one wordfor those who live it. These meanings and the people who brought them into modern architecture must be protected

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