Analisis Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Menggunakan Konsep Hamdi’s Method


One of the methods in calculating a business feasibility study on the financial aspect is the Hamdi's Method. The Hamdi's Method of calculation consists of the Gold Value Method (GVM) and the Gold Index (GI). The GVM calculation method is a substitute for the Net Present Value (NPV) method. Meanwhile, the Gold Index (GI) is a substitute for the Profitability Index (PI). This study tries to test whether the assessment of a business feasibility study using the Hamdi'S Method consisting of the Gold Value Method (GVM) and the Gold Index (GI) has the same decision results as the business feasibility study assessment using the conventional method consisting of Net Present Value (NPV) and the Profitability Index (PI) which has been widely used in the academic world. For the application of the Hamdi's method business feasibility study assessment concept, a study was conducted at the Padi PH Refinery in Padangsidempuan City. The results showed that there were the same business feasibility decisions in the calculation of GVM and NPV and in the calculation of GI and PI. Thus the method of calculation Hamdi's Method can be used in assessing the feasibility of a business in the financial aspect. This method is expected to add to the calculation method in assessing the feasibility of a business on the financial aspect

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