Pealius mori (Takahashi) (Figure 3C) Trialeurodes mori Takahashi, 1932. Korea Port Interceptions. China: 5 puparia, on Ficus sp. (Moraceae) leaf, 20-v-2008; same data, 18-vii-2008. Diagnosis. Vasiform orifice situated in a pit. Dorsal disc with many small circular pores densely scattered except on the median and submarginal areas, the latter with many papillae in about 3 irregular rows, 14 pairs of short setae in a row along the whole margin. Distribution. OR: China (intercepted at Incheon International Seaport, Korea), Taiwan, Thailand. Host plants. Euphorbiaceae: Glochidion phillpicum. Moraceae: Morus alba, Morus australis. Salicaceae: Salix sp.Published as part of Suh, Soo-Jung & Ji, Jungyoun, 2014, A Checklist of Whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Intercepted on Imported Plants in Korea 2005 - 2013, pp. 1-14 in Insecta Mundi 2014 (354) on pages 10-11, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.517886