Designing a cloud and HPC based M&S platform to Investigate the IVD diseases mechanisms


The main objective of the PhD proposal consists of the creation of a platform for IVD Models & Simulations (M&S) tools and their integration into automated workflows, within the HORIZON MSCA Disc4All project. Based on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vision, the expected platform will be a Cloud-based one, furnished with a front-end, to guarantee reproducibility, accessibility and easy use for experts and non-experts. The development of an automated and specialized platform can represent the best hybrid technology with perks on both healthcare data management and computational environments exploitation, given the use of Cloud infrastructures on healthcare software and databases. Though rendering automatic not only the database, but prediction and simulation models in a user-friendly integrated system, may facilitate a difficult diagnosis and forward therapy, especially considering the various forces at play in a multi-omics data analysis of its kind

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