Telmatoscopus thuringiacus Beran, Doczkal, Pfister & Wagner, 2010, sp. nov.


Telmatoscopus thuringiacus sp. nov. Material: 13 (holotype) Germany, Thuringia, National Park Hainich, Weberstedt, Birkensee (trap 2) 12–20 May, Malaise-trap, leg. F. Dziok; 13 (paratype) same locality, 26 June– 3 July 2001 leg. F. Dziok; 13 (paratype) same locality, 3–12 July 2001 leg. F. Dziok. Derivatio nominis: Dedicated to the German Federal Land Thuringia that established the National Park Hainich. Male description: Head with reniform eyes. Eye bridge with four rows of facets, distance between eyes about 1 facet diameter. Antenna with barrel-shaped scape, spherical pedicel shorter than scape, and 14 flagellomeres, 1.77 mm long. These are bottle-shaped with long sickle shaped ascoids on (probably) all segments (fig 8). Relative length of antennal segments (assembled from left and right flagellum): 37 - 26-45 - 45-46 - 44 - 43 - 42 - 42 - 42 - 40 - 39 - 38 - 37 - 36 - 33. Palpi lost in holotype. In paratype: absolute length: 0.85 mm, relative length of segments: 34-56 - 56-58. Wing length 2.1 mm. Wing venation: forks R 2 /R 3 and M 1 /M 2 at about middle of wing; R 5 terminates just before wing tip (fig 9). Genitalia (fig 10): Sternal band thin, slightly broader at middle. Gonocoxites cylindrical, slightly bent, more than two times longer than the greatest diameter. Gonostyles longer than gonocoxites, about 4 times longer than wide with sharp tip poiting towards dorsally, so that the real length of the gonostylus is often difficult to judge – Fig 11 shows realistic length ratio. Tergite 9 rectangular as wide as long, lateral margins slightly convergent. Cercopodia slightly bent, longer than tergite 9, distally with an oval group of approximately 30 tenacula, further tenacula scattered along their whole length. Tergite 10 conical, setose. Aedeagal apodeme elongate and Y-shaped; at the distal end two stout, complicatedly built distal sclerites, about sickle-shaped with articulate tips curved outward. The entire distal portion of the aedeagus is visible through a diagonally cut ‘pipe’. The pipe laterally has articulations to the gonocoxites (probably the ventral bridge). Female unknown. Remarks: The new species belongs to a group of dendrolimnobiontic taxa with several (probably synapomorphic) features in larvae and adults. At least the European species are seemingly difficult to distinguish. The species group includes to date Telmatoscopus advenus (Eaton, 1893), Telmatoscopus segu yi (Vaillant, 1990) and probably some Nearctic species such as Telmatoscopus dendrophilus Vaillant, 1983 (USA, Tennessee). Vaillant confused the ‘true’ T. advenus Eaton with T. seguyi, a species he had described in 1990. However, the new species is clearly distinguished from all others by the large number of tenacula, distributed all over the entire length of the cercopodia. The parameres are short and stout, but elongate, long and thin in the other species. Although the larva remains unknown the habitat probably is also the decaying wood. The collections were made in an area with old trees in the National Park Hainich.Published as part of Beran, Bernadett, Doczkal, Dieter, Pfister, Kurt & Wagner, Rüdiger, 2010, Two new species of Psychodidae (subfamilies Trichomyiinae and Psychodinae) from Germany associated with decaying wood, pp. 59-64 in Zootaxa 2386 on page 63, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.19377

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