Euproctis melania (STAUDINGER 1891) (figs 29-30, 33-38, 63) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:4, 2 from Turkey. P u p a: 12-15 4.3- 5 mm, brown, exuvia brighter, ochre brown. Caudal part of movable abdominal segments ochre yellow. Sculpture medium fine, wrinkly, smooth locally. Secondarily setae relatively short and yellowish concentrated in isolated groups on position of larval verrucae. Hooks on cremaster dark brown and relatively short. Postclypeus with individual setae. Labrum trapezium like, little tapering, its caudal side straight. Labium with domed sides and pointed. Maxillae extend beyond labium and join to each other at the ends. Prothoracic coxae longer than maxillae at least by half. Prothoracic legs join to each other at about 2 shorter distance than prothoracic coxae. Ends of mesothoracic legs join to ends of metathoracic legs, these ones tapering anteriorly. Antennae of male wide and long, widely rounded at the end, concealing majority of mesothoracic legs and extending beyond them, not joining to each other. Antennae of female slightly shorter, narrower and pointed, less concealing mesothoracic legs (fig. 63). Oculi not concealed at majority, without setae, also genae without setae. Thoracic spiracle narrow slit-like. Metanotum shallowly round cut out in obtuse angle, its frontal projections rounded, ends of visible hindwings conspicuously extend beyond caudal margin of abdominal segment 3. Abdominal spiracles narrow elliptical. Cremaster short and wide, narrower and obtusely wedge-like in lateral view, obtuse and more-less concave in ventral and dorsal view, without more conspicuous sculpture. Hooks on it numerous, forming relatively short brush. E. melania occurs in Asia Minor.Published as part of Patočka, J. & Turčáni, M., 2008, Contribution to the Description of Pupae of the Western Palaearctic lymantriids (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), pp. 901-920 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1) on pages 905-906, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.542994