Tolhuaca cupulifera Schmid Figs. 1 –3, 5, 6 Tolhuaca cupulifera Schmid, 1964: 337 [Type locality: Chile, Pichinahuel, Arauco; NMNH; male; in Sericostomatidae]. – Flint 1967: 52 [correction of transposition of wing figures in original description; to Glossosomatidae, Protoptilinae; distribution]. Tolhuaca cupulifera can be distinguished from T. brasiliensis, new species, by the presence of sclerotized, conical, thornlike spines in the endotheca. Tergum X is also much more excavate apicomesally, while it is shallowly excavate in the new species, T. brasiliensis. Tergum X is triangular in lateral view in T. cupulifera and quadrate in T. brasiliensis. The wings of T. cupulifera are broader than the wings of T. brasiliensis. The species is known only from Chile. Adult. Length of forewing: male 4.7 –5.0 mm (n= 5); female 5.0– 5.3 mm (n= 3). Body, wings, and appendages nearly uniformly fuscous, tibia and tarsi yellowish brown. Forewing (Fig. 3 A) relatively broad, apex blunt; with retrorse setae along veins; Sc incomplete, not reaching anterior margin; fork I emerging at or immediately beyond cord; fork II emerging anteriorly to cord; forks III and IV longer than their stems; A 3 forming short loop, intersecting A 2 basally; crossveins r, d, rm, and mcu present, forming a relatively straight line, but with mcu slightly basal to cord. Hind wing (Fig. 3 B) relatively broad; Sc converging with R 1 near wing margin; fork II about 4 times longer than its stem; fork III longer than its stem; crossveins r, rm, and mcu present. Male genitalia (Fig. 5). Sternum VI (Fig. 5 C) with thin, digitate mesal process, projecting caudally. Abdominal segment IX (Fig. 5 A) well developed dorsally and laterally, but extremely reduced ventrally, forming very thin sclerotized strap; anterior margin slightly rounded; tergum IX, in dorsal view (Fig. 5 B), with posteromesal margin triangular, covered with fine microtrichia; membranous connection between segments IX and X distinct. Tergum X (Figs. 5 A, 5 B) covered with fine microtrichia; in lateral view (Fig. 5 A), triangular, apex rounded, setose dorsally to ventrally, with acute ventromesal process; in dorsal view (Fig. 5 B), with lateral margins slightly sinuous; apex strongly excavate medially. Phallobase (Figs. 5 A, 5 F) large and bulbous, projecting apicodorsally, lightly sclerotized, with small, stout setae at posterior end, running transversally from dorsum to venter; endotheca (Figs. 5 A, 5 D) membranous except for lightly sclerotized subbasal ring, greatly enlarged and tubular when evaginated, with 12 or 13 heavily sclerotized conical, thornlike spines with enlarged bases, each sitting within membranous ovoid cupule (Figs. 5 A, 5 D, 5 E). Female genitalia (Fig. 6). Sternum V with slightly raised, sclerotized linear mesal ridge running parallel to anterior and posterior margins. Sternum VI process associated with strongly oblique apodeme. Segment VII normally developed. Abdominal segment VIII synscleritous, more distinctly sclerotized along anterior margin, venter lightly sclerotized, becoming membranous posteroventrally. Tergum IX lightly sclerotized. Segment X, in lateral view, elongate, digitate; in dorsal and ventral views, bulbous, bearing cerci. Material examined: CHILE: BíoBío: Arauco, Pichinahuel, [ca. 37 º 47 ’ 52 ”S, 073º02’ 37 ”W], 1–30.i. 1959, Peña — 1 male (holotype) (UMSP 000115157) (NMNH); BíoBío: Estero Pichinahuel, 2 km W Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta entrance, 37 ° 47 ' 52 "S, 073°02' 37 "W, 1070 m, 11–12.ii. 2005, Holzenthal, Blahnik, Chamorro — 1 female, 4 males (UMSP); Malleco: Cord. Nahuelbuta, Cabreria, [37 º 49 ’ 30 ”S, 073º01’00”W], 1100 m, 9–15.i. 1977, Peña — 1 female (NMNH); same except 15–20.i. 1977, Peña — 1 male (NMNH). Distribution. Chile. This species occurs in the Cordillera Nahuelbuta region and extends south to Valdivia based on records provided by Flint (1967).Published as part of Robertson, Desiree R. & Holzenthal, Ralph W., 2005, The Neotropical caddisfly genus To l h u a c a (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae), pp. 53-68 in Zootaxa 1063 on pages 57-62, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17019