We present a method to precisly measure the frequencies of transitions to
high-n Rydberg states of the hydrogen atom which are not subject to
uncontrolled systematic shifts caused by stray electric fields. The method
consists in recording Stark spectra of the field-insensitive k=0 Stark states
and the field-sensitive k=±2 Stark states, which are used to calibrate the
electric field strength. We illustrate this method with measurements of
transitions from the 2s(f=0 and 1) hyperfine levels in the
presence of intentionally applied electric fields with strengths in the range
between 0.4 and 1.6Vcm−1. The slightly field-dependent k=0 level
energies are corrected with a precisely calculated shift to obtain the
corresponding Bohr energies (−cRH/n2). The energy
difference between n=20 and n=24 obtained with our method agrees with
Bohr's formula within the 10kHz experimental uncertainty. We also
determined the hyperfine splitting of the 2s state by taking the
difference between transition frequencies from the 2s(f=0 and 1) levels to the n=20,k=0 Stark states. Our results demonstrate the
possibility of carrying out precision measurements in high-n hydrogenic
quantum states