SocioHub: An Interactive Tool for Cross-Platform Social Media Data Collection


Social media is inherently about connecting and interacting with others. Different social media platforms have unique characteristics and user bases. Moreover, people use different platforms for various social and entertainment purposes. Analyzing cross-platform user behavior can provide insights into the preferences and expectations of users on each platform. By understanding how users behave and interact across platforms, we can build an understanding of content consumption patterns, enhance communication and social interactions, and tailor platform-specific strategies. We can further gather insights into how users navigate and engage with their platforms on different devices. In this work, we develop a tool SocioHub, which enables users to gather data on multiple social media platforms in one place. This tool can help researchers gain insights into different data attributes for users across social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon. Keywords: Social Media Platforms, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

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