QQ-voter model with independence on signed random graphs: homogeneous approximations


The qq-voter model with independence is generalized to signed random graphs and studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations and theoretically using the mean field approximation and different forms of the pair approximation. In the signed network with quenched disorder, positive and negative signs associated randomly with the links correspond to reinforcing and antagonistic interactions, promoting, respectively, the same or opposite orientations of two-state spins representing agents' opinions; otherwise, the opinions are called mismatched. With probability 1βˆ’p1-p, the agents change their opinions if the opinions of all members of a randomly selected qq-neighborhood are mismatched, and with probability pp, they choose an opinion randomly. The model on networks with finite mean degree ⟨k⟩\langle k \rangle and fixed fraction of the antagonistic interactions rr exhibits ferromagnetic transition with varying the independence parameter pp, which can be first- or second-order, depending on qq and rr, and disappears for large rr. Besides, numerical evidence is provided for the occurrence of the spin-glass-like transition for large rr. The order and critical lines for the ferromagnetic transition on the pp vs. rr phase diagram obtained in Monte Carlo simulations are reproduced qualitatively by the mean field approximation. Within the range of applicability of the pair approximation, for the model with ⟨k⟩\langle k \rangle finite but ⟨kβŸ©β‰«q\langle k \rangle \gg q, predictions of the homogeneous pair approximation concerning the ferromagnetic transition show much better quantitative agreement with numerical results for small rr but fail for larger rr. A more advanced signed homogeneous pair approximation is formulated which distinguishes between classes of active links with a given sign connecting nodes occupied by agents with mismatched opinions...Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

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