Plato’s Republic and some aspects of political psychology in 20th century philosophy


Platonova Država se u XX i XXI veku čita i tumači kao političko-pravni spis, kao svestrano filozofsko delo i kao remek-delo dramske književnosti. Namera ovog rada je da pokaže da je Država i veliko psihološko delo. Kao što su u Državi postavljena i razmatrana pitanja koja su u XX veku ključna za većinu filozofskih disciplina: za logiku, epistemologiju, metafiziku, kosmologiju, teologiju, estetiku, etiku, politiku, zbog čega je Vajthed napisao da je celokupna zapadna filozofija samo fusnota uz Platona, u Državi su postavljena ili razmatrana psihološka pitanja i problemi kojima se bave najvažnije discipline i oblasti psihologije XX veka: opšta psihologija, individualna psihologija, socijalna psihologija, školska psihologija i klinička psihologija, zatim, psihologija muzike, psihologija sporta, psihologija detinjstva, psihologija starosti, psihologija seksualnosti, kao i najintegrativnija od disciplina, psihologija ličnosti. U Državi su izneseni i nacrti nekoliko zanimljivih i veoma savremenih psiholoških teorija, kakve su: teorija o strukturi ljudske psihe, teorija potreba i teorija nagona. Platon je u Državi psihoanalitičar pre Frojdove psihoanalize zbog toga što je opisao niz njenih pojmova kakvi su: nesvesno, asocijacije, eros, sublimacija, racionalizacija, potiskivanje, san i cenzura. Od ključne važnosti za ovaj rad jeste to što ukazuje da je u Državi psihologija Platonova preokupacija koliko i politika, a teorija ličnosti, koliko i teorija države. Platonova tipologija političkih karaktera ima ubedljivost, iako nije ni približno slavna kao Teofrastovi Karakteri i Hipokratovi tipovi temperamenata. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da Platona predstavi kao utemeljivača filozofske psihologije, socijalne, i političke psihologije koje su sve aktuelne i u našem vremenu.In the 20th and 21st centuries, Plato’s Republic is read and interpreted as both a political and legal text, a comprehensive philosophical work and a masterpiece of dramatic literature. The intention of this dissertation is to show how, in addition to the above interpretations, Republic is also a great work pertaining to the field of psychology. Republic poses and considers questions that were crucial for the majority of philosophical disciplines in the 20th century: logic, epistemology, metaphysics, cosmology, theology, aesthetics, ethics and politics, which is why Whitehead wrote that the entirety of Western philosophy is but a series of footnotes to Plato. Republic raises and discusses questions and problems dealt with by the most important disciplines of the field of psychology in the 20th century: general psychology, individual psychology, social psychology, school psychology, clinical psychology, the psychology of music, the psychology of sport, the psychologies of childhood and old age, the psychology of sexuality and, the most interdisciplinary of all disciplines, personality psychology. Several highly interesting and modern psychological theories were also presented in Republic: the theory of the structure of the human psyche, the theory of needs and the theory of drives. In Republic, Plato is a psychoanalyst who predates Freud’s psychoanalysis because he described a number of its key concepts such as the subconscious, association, eros, sublimation, rationalisation, suppression, dreaming and censorship. Of key importance for this dissertation is the indication that, in Republic, Plato is as preoccupied with psychology as he is with politics, and with the theory of personality as much as with the theory of the state. Plato’s typology of political characters is persuasive, despite lacking the recognition of Theophrastus’s Characters and Hippocrates’ four temperaments. This dissertation aims to present Plato as the founder of philosophical psychology, social psychology and political psychology, all of which are as relevant now as they were during his time

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