Pseudochalcura Ashmead


Key to the species of Pseudochalcura Ashmead (modified from Heraty 1986) 1 Dorsal setae on submarginal vein present; setae of fore wing disc long or short; female first gastral sternite smooth; metatibial spur present.......................................................................................... 2 - Dorsal setae on submarginal vein absent; setae of fore wing disc very short, barely visible; female first gastral sternite strigose, striate or punctate; metatibial spur present or absent.......................................................... 7 2 Metacoxa bare; male antenna 12 -segmented with 5 or 6 long basal branches; eyes bare.............................. 3 - Metacoxa with erect lateral setae; male antenna 11 -segmented with 3 or 4 short basal branches; eyes bare or setose........ 4 3 Disc of propodeum with fairly dense, long setae; setae of fore wing disc long; wings usually with infuscate spot below stigma.................................................................................. P. americana (Howard) - Disc of propodeum bare or with few isolated setae; setae of fore wing disc very short in female, longer in male; wings without infuscate markings....................................................................... P. liburna Heraty 4 Digits of labrum long; petiole striate basally; setae of fore wing disc long; genal bridge deeply emarginate; gaster with long appressed setae dorsally; eyes bare (female unknown)......................................... P. excruciata Heraty - Digits of labrum reduced (see Fig. 32 in Heraty 1986); petiole smooth; setae of fore wing disc very short; genal bridge not or only slightly emarginate (see Fig. 50 in Heraty 1986); gaster with scattered short setae dorsally; eyes setose or bare........ 5 5 Eyes setose; dorsal mesosomal setae long; mesoscutellum areolate-rugose...................... P. nigrocyanea Ashmead - Eyes bare; dorsal mesosomal setae short; mesoscutellum longitudinally carinate.................................... 6 6 Mesopleuron and metapleuron areolate-rugose; male antenna with apical two flagellomeres distinctly separated (female unknown).............................................................................. P. frustrata Heraty - Mesopleuron and metapleuron crossed by irregular transverse carinae; male antenna with apical two flagellomeres fused, much longer than broad, and subdivided (clv, Fig. 5); female antenna with basal flagellomeres bluntly serrate; branch of F 2 0.6 – 0.7 × as long as basal length of flagellomeres.............................................. P. c a r i n a ta sp. nov. 7 Metatibial spur present; female antenna lobate or serrate; male antennal branches basally arranged along dorsal midline; head subtriangular, 1.5 – 1.7 × as broad as high; mesosoma of males only slightly more elongate than females.................. 8 - Metatibial spur absent; female antenna ramose basally; male antennal branches arranged alternately on either side of dorsal midline; head strongly transverse, 1.8 – 1.9 × as broad as high; mesosoma of males distinctly more elongate than females.... 12 8 Lateral carina of mesocoxa absent or only barely visible; costal cell of fore wing with row of ventral setae... 9 - Lateral carina of mesocoxa distinct; costal cell of fore wing bare............................................... 11 9 Metacoxa laterally, and pro- and mesocoxae ventrally with several fine, erect setae; antenna, coxae and basal half of femora black; female antenna 11 -segmented (male unknown).............................................. P. atra Heraty - Coxae bare or at most with a few short setae; antenna, coxae and basal half of femora brown; female antenna 10 - or 11 -segmented............................................................................................. 10 10 Female antenna 11 -segmented, covered with dense placoid sensilla and few setae; petiole not pinched ventrally and 3.2 × as long as wide (male unknown)............................................................. P. septuosa Heraty - Female antenna usually 10 -segmented, rarely 9 - or 11 -segmented, covered with numerous placoid sensilla and setae; petiole distinctly pinched ventrally and 1.7 – 3.0× as long as wide; male antenna 11 -segmented, with 4 basal branches................................................................................................ P. gibbosa Provancher 11 Female antenna 8 -segmented, with basal segments strongly serrated, becoming acuminate at tips; male antenna 8 -segmented, with last two flagellomeres fused, much longer than broad and subdivided (Fig. 10); metafemur abruptly expanded medially; first gastral sternite of female granular, not striate; wings hyaline................................... P. pauca Heraty - Female antenna 10 -segmented with basal segments not strongly acuminate at tips; male antenna 11 -segmented with 4 basal branches, with apical two flagellomeres distinctly separated, and last flagellomere as long as broad; metafemur broadly expanded medially; first gastral sternite of female finely striate; wings infuscate or hyaline............. P. chilensis Kieffer 12 Petiole granulate or shagreened dorsally; female antenna with basal flagellomeres strongly ramose, rami more than 4.0× as long as base......................................................................................... 13 - Petiole reticulate; female antenna with basal flagellomeres serrate to ramose, rami not more than 4.0× as long as basal width.................................................................................................... 14 13 Female antenna with F 2 –F 6 pectinate; male antenna 12 -segmented with 7 basal branches (Fig. 13); POL/OOL 3.6 – 4.1 ×; supraclypeal area smooth; Gs 1 of female striate; petiole shagreened..................................... P. prolata Heraty - Female antenna with F 2 –F 8 pectinate; male antenna 12 -segmented with 9 basal branches; POL/OOL 2.8 ×; supraclypeal area slightly striate; Gs 1 of female strigose; petiole granulate.................................... P. a l b a Heraty & Heraty 14 Female with basal flagellomeres lobate to serrate, but not ramose; mesosoma uniformly dark brown to black, sculpture prominent dorsally; profile of face linear. Male with antenna 12 -segmented, and with 6 long basal branches; mesosoma color as for female, sometimes with faint metallic reflections dorsally; ventral angle of face straight in profile; interstices and walls of areolae on mesosoma dorsum smooth.......................................................... P. condylus Heraty - Female with basal flagellomeres lobate or ramose; mesosoma patterned light and dark or completely yellow, sculpture shallow dorsally; face broadly concave below level of toruli. Male with antenna 12 -segmented, and with 7 long basal branches; mesosoma uniformly dark, with metallic reflections weak or absent; ventral angle of face concave in profile; sculpture of mesosoma as in female.......................................................................... P. sculpturata HeratyPublished as part of Torréns, Javier, 2016, A new species of Pseudochalcura Ashmead (Chalcidoidea: Eucharitidae) from Argentina with descriptions of alternate sexes of two other species, pp. 239-245 in Zootaxa 4067 (2) on pages 240-241, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.2.8,

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