Raising against the trauma of parenting: A trans woman's existent experience in stuck in the middle with you


Abstract The term ‘Transgender’ is used to describe people who hold a different gender identity than their birth sex. Many transgenders are prescribed hormones and Sex Reassignment Surgeries by their doctors to change their bodies as part of the process of transition. Sometimes, not everyone in the transgender community will take these steps to live to their inner identity. A transsexual is one who wishes to transition to the sex he/she identifies. Jennifer Finney Boylan is a highly praised trans woman author and professor. She is an activist, and her involvement in social activities for LGBT people, especially transgenders, are highly notable. The work Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders is a memoir about Boylan, and her transition from a man to a woman while being married and raising a family. It explores how changes in gender roles affect one’s viewpoint of our family as parents. This paper deals with how Boylan’s memoir reflects her role as a trans parent, and it also explores her journey from being a dad to both mom and dad

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