
This research article conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of two significant educational policies in India: the Kothari Education Commission of 1964-66 and the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. It seeks to discern the objectives, strategies, and outcomes of these pivotal policies, shedding light on their contributions to the evolution of the Indian education landscape. The Kothari Education Commission emerged during the post-independence era, addressing the urgent need to expand educational access while promoting quality and equity. In contrast, NEP-2020, developed against the backdrop of globalization, technological advancements, and shifting work dynamics, aims to equip learners for the challenges of the contemporary world. Through a meticulous examination of curriculum and pedagogical recommendations, strategies to enhance access and equity, approaches to teacher training and professional development, and implementation challenges, this study offers a nuanced understanding of the historical and contextual foundations of these policies. It also delves into their profound impact on education systems, students, and society. By juxtaposing these significant policies, this research article endeavours to uncover enduring lessons, achievements, and limitations. It aims to contribute to ongoing dialogues on education reform and policy development in India, fostering a deeper comprehension of the dynamic evolution of educational aspirations and strategies. It underscores India's steadfast commitment to education as a transformative force that shapes its destiny. The comparative analysis presented herein serves as an invaluable resource for policymakers, educators, researchers, and all stakeholders invested in India's educational future, providing insights from the past and present to guide the way forward

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