Hands on Workshops. ENCODE report on digital competences, learning outcomes and best practices in teaching and learning


The report presents the results of the feedback and competence questionnaires distributed during workshops/training activities organized by ENCODE or associated partners. These results are useful to identify eventual learning needs, measure the improvement in digital competences and design teaching materials and programmes of next training events. The present analysis is based on data collected by the following events (in chronological order): - the “Epigrafia digitale e EpiDoc Epigrafia greca” Workshop, held by A. Bencivenni and I. Vagionakis within the Greek Epigraphy Class of the MA in Classics/Ancient History/Archaeology of the University of Bologna (October, 12th-14th, 2020) - the “ENCODE Greek and Latin Epigraphy Workshop”, organized by the Department of History and Cultures of the University of Bologna, part of the first Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project (January, 26th-29th, 2021) - the “EpiDoc Workshop London/Bologna”, organized by G. Bodard (Institute of Classical Studies, University of London) and I. Vagionakis (Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna), held on April, 12th- 16th, 2021 - the “Edizioni digitali di testi sanscriti: introduzione a xml e tei” Workshop, organized by G. Buriola, M. Franceschini, I. Vagionakis (Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna), held on April, 26th- 29th, 2021 - the “Linked Open Data for Written Artefacts Intensive Training”, organized by the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies of the University of Hamburg, part of the second Multiplier Event of the ENCODE project (May, 26th-28th, 2021) - the “Training Workshop Multilingual and Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for Ancient Written Artefacts”, organized by the Department of Ancient History of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, part of the third Multiplier Event (November, 3rd-5th, 2021) - the “ENCODE Winter School Papyrology for non-specialists” organized by the Institut für klassische Philologie of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg, part of the fourth Multiplier Event (February, 14th- 17th, 2022).The ENCODE Project (KA2-2020-1-IT02-KA203-079585) was financed by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for higher education

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