Effect of GeoGebra Computer Package on Performance in Concept Integral Calculus among Colleges of Education Students in Borno State


This study investigated the effect of the GeoGebra computer package on performance in concept integral calculus among colleges of education students in Borno State. The study was guided by three objectives, research questions, and corresponding hypotheses, respectively. The population of the study was made up of 478 mathematics students in the department of mathematics from the two (2) colleges of education in Borno State during the 2021/2022 academic session. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select one college of education. Thus, gave a sample size of sixty (60) students. A quasi-experimental design specifically, pre-test, post-test, and non-randomized control group was used for this study. The instruments used for data collection is Integral Performance Test Items (IPTIs) developed by the researcher and validated by three experts. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.81 using the Cronbach alpha reliability test. In answering research questions descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and mean difference was used and t-test was used to test the null hypotheses. Findings revealed that the GeoGebra computer application package has significant effects on the performance of students taught integral calculus when compared with students exposed to the Lecture teaching method. Moreover, male students perform better than female students taught concept integral calculus using the GeoGebra computer package. The study recommends that teachers and students should be encouraged to explore the GeoGebra computer application package in solving problems related to integral calculus

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