On Frobenius structures in symmetric cones


We prove that in any strictly convex symmetric cone Ω\Omega there exists a non empty locus where the WDVV equation is satisfied (i.e. there exists a hyperplane being a Frobenius manifold). This result holds over any real division algebra (with a restriction to the rank 3 case if we consider the field O\mathbb{O}) but also on their linear combinations. This theorem holds as well in the case of pseudo-Riemannian geometry, in particular for a Lorentz symmetric cone of Anti-de-Sitter type. Our statement can be considered as a generalisation of a result by Ferapontov--Kruglikov--Novikov and Mokhov. Our construction is achieved by merging two different approaches: an algebraic/geometric one and the analytic approach given by Calabi in his investigations on the Monge--Amp\`ere equation for the case of affine hyperspheres

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