The position of the Church on the European pillar of social rights


On behalf of His Grace Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta, I would like to thank the UHM, Voice of the Workers, for inviting the Church in Malta to participate in today’s seminar on the European Pillar of Social Rights. Article 17(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU encourages EU institutions to enter into an open, transparent and regular dialogue with Church leaders who are also committed to the common good of society. The Church engages in a dialogue with political leaders, trade unions and civil society not to favour its own interests as an institution, but to contribute to the construction of Europe as a project of peace based on the respect for human dignity, the protection of human rights and the pursuit of the common good. As the German political thinker Jürgen Habermas points out, in a modern, democratic and pluralistic society, all voices, including the religious one, can contribute to the wellbeing of society. The Church, as an important stakeholder in society, has the right and the duty to participate in the public square because it is also concerned with the defence of the dignity of every individual, irrespective of one’s characteristics.peer-reviewe

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