The CombiConsultation for patients with diabetes, COPD and cardiovascular diseases: Evaluation of interventions and personal health-related goals


Background: The CombiConsultation is a consultation with the community pharmacist for patients with diabetes, COPD and/or cardiovascular disease (CVD), aligned with the annual or quarterly consultation with the practice nurse (PN) or general practitioner (GP). The consultation is focused on the personal health-related goals of the patient. Objectives: To assess the number and types of personal health-related goals, drug-related problems (DRPs) and interventions identified by pharmacists during a CombiConsultation and to investigate which patients can benefit most from such consultation. Method: Twenty-one Dutch community pharmacies and associated GP practices were included in the CombiConsultation study. CombiConsultations were performed, involving patients with diabetes, COPD and/or (at risk of) CVD. The pharmacists set health-related goals together with the patients and identified DRPs. The number and types of personal health-related goals, DRPs and interventions were analysed. Associations between patient characteristics and the identification of at least one DRP were analysed by multivariate regression analysis. Results: In 834 patients (49% men, mean age: 70 years), 939 DRPs were identified, mostly (potential) side effects (33%), undertreatment (18%) and overtreatment (14%). In 71% of the patients, one or more DRPs were found, with a median of one DRP per patient. Pharmacists proposed 935 recommendations, of which 72% were implemented. DRPs were found more often in patients using a higher number of drugs for chronic conditions. A total of 425 personal health-related goals were set, of which 53% were (partially) attained. Conclusion: The CombiConsultation can be used as a compact health service contributing to safe and effective use of medication for patients with diabetes, COPD and/or (at risk of) CVD, also in patients under 65 or with less than 5 medications in use. The output of the CombiConsultation reflects its characteristics

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