Lipidomic profiling of rat hepatic stellate cells during activation reveals a two-stage process accompanied by increased levels of lysosomal lipids


Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are liver-resident cells best known for their role in vitamin A storage under physiological conditions. Upon liver injury, HSCs activate into myofibroblast-like cells, a key process in the onset of liver fibrosis. Lipids play an important role during HSC activation. Here, we provide a comprehensive characterization of the lipidomes of primary rat HSCs during 17 days of activation in vitro. For lipidomic data interpretation, we expanded our previously described Lipid Ontology (LION) and associated web application (LION/Web) with the LION-PCA heatmap module, which generates heatmaps of the most typical LION-signatures in lipidomic datasets. Furthermore, we used LION to perform pathway analysis to determine the significant metabolic conversions in lipid pathways. Together, we identify two distinct stages of HSC activation. In the first stage, we observe a decrease of saturated phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidic acid and an increase in phosphatidylserine and polyunsaturated bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP), a lipid class typically localized at endosomes and lysosomes. In the second activation stage, BMPs, hexosylceramides, and ether-linked phosphatidylcholines are elevated, resembling a lysosomal lipid storage disease profile. The presence of isomeric structures of BMP in HSCs was confirmed ex vivo in MS-imaging datasets of steatosed liver sections. Finally, treatment with pharmaceuticals targeting the lysosomal integrity led to cell death in primary HSCs but not in HeLa cells. In summary, our combined data suggest that lysosomes play a critical role during a two-stage activation process of HSCs

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