Effects of Rapid Weight Loss on Motor Skills and Biomarkers of Muscle Functions


Kratkoročna regulacija telesne mase je široko rasprostranjena u borilačkim sportovima. Restriktivna dijeta, prinudna glad, ili dobrovoljna redukcija telesne mase zaokuplja pažnju naučnika, zdravstvenih i sportskih radnika. Nagla redukcija telesne mase (RWL) se odnosi na metode koje sportista koristi u cilju smanjenja telesne mase u poslednjoj nedelji pre takmičenja, pri čemu se u proseku izgubi oko 5% telesne mase. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj rapidne redukcije telesne mase na promene biohemijskih markera skeletnih mišića, srčanog mišića i bubrežne funkcije, kao i na motoričke sposobnosti i afektivna stanja (upitnik POMS) rvača i džudista (N=18). Studija je dizajnirana tako da se sastojala se iz inicijalnog merenja i dve eksperimentalne faze. Eksperimentalni tretman, nakon inicijalnog merenja (IM), odvijao se u dve faze sa ciljem da se ispitaju akutni efekti redukcije telesne mase na motoričke sposobnosti i biohemijske markere kada se 5% telesne mase redukuje u kombinaciji sa sport-specifičnim treningom (prva faza – P1) u odnosu na promene koje su izazvane samo visokointenzivnim sportspecifičnim treningom bez redukcije telesne mase (druga faza – P2). Primena rapidne redukcije telesne mase uz visokointenzivni specifični trening je izazvala statistički značajne promene ispitivanih markera, motoričkih sposobnosti i stanja raspoloženja. Takođe, u fazi kada je primenjen samo visokointenzivni specifični trening, registrovana je promena aktivnosti ispitivanih markera u manjoj meri nego kada se isti kombinovao sa RWL. Za opštu dobrobit i bezbednost sportista, neophodno je uvesti određene izmene u pravilnike o takmičenju kod borilačkih sportova koji se klasifikuju po težinskim kategorijama.Short-term regulation of body weight is highly prevalent in combat sports. Restrictive diets, forced starvation, or voluntary weight loss are attracting the attention of scientists, sport and health workers. Rapid weight loss (RWL) refers to the methods used by an athlete to lose weight within the last week before the competition, whereby an average of 5% of body weight is lost. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of rapid weight reduction on changes in biochemical markers of skeletal muscle, heart muscle and renal function, as well as on motor skills and mood states (POMS questionnaire) of wrestlers and judokas (N=18). The study consisted of an initial measurement and two experimental phases. Experimental treatment, after initial measurement (IM), took place in two phases in order to examine the acute effects of weight reduction on motor skills and biochemical markers when 5% of body weight is reduced in combination with sportsspecific training (first phase - P1) in relation to changes that are caused only by high-intensity sports-specific training without weight reduction (second phase - P2). The application of rapid weight loss with high-intensity specific training caused statistically significant changes in the examined markers, motor skills and mood. However, in the phase when only high-intensity specific training was applied, a change in the activity of the tested markers was registered to a lesser extent than when it was combined with RWL. For the welfare and safety of athletes, it would be recommended to intervene, ie to introduce certain modifications in the rules of competition in combat sports, which are classified by weight categories

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