Students' physical and digital sites of study: Making, marking, and breaking boundaries


This chapter argues that studying draws in a wide array of technologies, takes place in both institutional and personal settings, and involves the consumption and production of a variety of digital and print texts. Knox exploring educational discourses about openness challenged the negative way in which discussions of technology framed the idea of liberty. The post-human, sociomaterial perspective Gourlay uses highlights another important principle: the idea that things such as technology also need to be treated as actors in social processes. The study received institutional ethical clearance and followed British Education Research Association (BERA) guidelines about informed consent, including guarantees of anonymity and confidentiality, and the right to opt out at any point. Rather than being bound within educational institutions, studying spills out across many public and private spaces, moored as part of a consistent practice of education by the consistent uses of print and digital technologies

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