Cancer cachexia in thoracic malignancy: a narrative review


PURPOSE OF REVIEW Thoracic malignancies are amongst the most lethal of all cancers. Cancer cachexia lacks unanimously accepted diagnostic criteria, and therefore is referenced to as a conceptual framework whereby cancer cachexia is ‘an ongoing loss of skeletal muscle mass (termed sarcopenia), with or without loss of fat mass that cannot be reversed by conventional nutritional support and leads to progressive functional impairment’. This review summarises the current evidence base in this field, including imaging techniques currently used to define sarcopenia, inflammatory and metabolic changes associated with the syndrome and ongoing research into potential treatment strategies. RECENT FINDINGS Sarcopenia is a key component of the cancer cachexia syndrome. It is common in patients with both early-stage and advanced NSCLC. Patients with sarcopenia have more treatment-related side effects and poorer overall survival compared with nonsarcopenic patients. SUMMARY Early identification of cancer cachexia may facilitate stratification of patients most-at-risk and initiation of emerging anticachexia treatments. If these are proven to be effective, this strategy has the potential to improve tolerance to anti-cancer therapies, improving the quality of life, and perhaps the survival, of patients with thoracic malignancies

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