SAMI3 data in netCDF format (2019-Mar-31)


SAMI3 (Sami3 is Also a Model of the Ionosphere) is a seamless, three-dimensional, physics-based model of the ionosphere (Huba et al, 2008). It is based on SAMI2, a two-dimensional model of the ionosphere (Huba et al., 2000). SAMI3 models the plasma and chemical evolution of seven ion species (H⁺, He⁺, N⁺, O⁺, N⁺₂, NO⁺ and O⁺₂). The temperature equation is solved for three ion species (H⁺, He⁺ and O⁺) and for the electrons. Ion inertia is included in the ion momentum equation for motion along the geomagnetic field. This is important in modeling the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere where the plasma becomes collisionless. SAMI3 includes 21 chemical reactions and radiative recombination, and uses a nonorthogonal, nonuniform, fixed grid for the magnetic latitude range +/- 89 degrees.. Drivers Neutral composition, temperature, and winds: NRLMSISE00 (Picone et al., 2002) and HWM14 (Drob et al., 2015). Solar radiation: Flare Irradiance Spectral Model version 2 (FISM v2) Magnetic field: Richmond apex model [Richmond, 1995]. Neutral wind dynamo electric field: Determined from the solution of a 2D potential equation [Huba et at., 2008]. For the SAMI3/Weimer configuration: High latitude electric field: calculated from the empirical Weimer model for the potential. For the SAMI3/AMPERE configuration: High latitude electric field: calculated using the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling solver (MIX) developed by Merkin and Lyon (2010). The inputs to MIX are SAMI3's internal conductances, plus field-aligned current observations from Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE), derived from the 66+ satellite Iridium NEXT constellation's engineering magnetometer data. This potential calculation is described in Chartier et al (2022). For ease of use, SAMI3 output is remapped to a regular grid using the Earth System Modeling Framework by Hill et al (2004

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