Functional anatomy and disparity of the postcranial skeleton of African mole-rats (Bathyergidae)


DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.The burrowing adaptations of the appendicular system of African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) have been comparatively less investigated than their cranial adaptations. Because bathyergids exhibit different digging modes (scratchdigging and chisel-tooth digging) and social systems (from solitary to highly social), they are a unique group to assess the effects of distinct biomechanical regimes and social organization on morphology. We investigated the morphological diversity and intraspecific variation of the appendicular system of a large dataset of mole-rats (n = 244) including seven species and all six bathyergid genera. Seventeen morpho-functional indices from stylopodial (femur, humerus) and zeugopodial (ulna, tibia-fibula) elements were analyzed with multivariate analysis. We hypothesized that scratchdiggers (i.e., Bathyergus) would exhibit a more specialized skeletal phenotype favoring powerful forelimb digging as compared to the chisel-tooth diggers, and that among chisel-tooth diggers, the social taxa will exhibit decreased limb bone specializations as compared to solitary taxa due to colony members sharing the costs of digging. Our results show that most bathyergids have highly specialized fossorial traits, although such specializations were not more developed in Bathyergus (or solitary species), as predicted. Most chisel tooth-diggers are equally, or more specialized than scratch-diggers. Heterocephalus glaber contrasted significantly from other bathyergids, presenting a surprisingly less specialized fossorial morphology. Our data suggests that despite our expectations, chisel-tooth diggers have a suite of appendicular adaptations that have allowed them to maximize different aspects of burrowing, including shoulder and neck support for forward force production, transport and removal of soils out of the burrow, and bidirectional locomotion. It is probably that both postcranial and cranial adaptations in bathyergids have played an important role in the successful colonization of a wide range of habitats and soil conditions within their present distribution.The Becas Chile, Government of Chile, the National Research Foundation, the SARChI Chair of Mammalian Behavioral Ecology and Physiology and Czech Science Foundation Project GACR. Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

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