Plotina quadrioculata Kovar 1995


<i>Plotina quadrioculata</i> Kovár, 1995 <p>(Figs. 33–35, 60–64)</p> <p> <i>Plotina quadrioculata</i> Kovář, 1995: 58.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> This species is easily distinguished from other <i>Plotina</i> spp. by the unique dorsal color pattern and male genitalia (Figs. 33, 60–62).</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> TL: 2.75–2.83mm, TW: 2.00– 2.25mm, TH: 1.08–1.25mm, TL/TW: 1.26–1.38; PL/PW: 0.45– 0.47; EL/EW: 1.09–1.12.</p> <p>Head red or red brown, with eyes silver gray. Pronotum red or yellow brown, without any spots. Scutellum dark brown. Ground color of elytra red to brown, with two large white–yellow spots, each spot surrounded by black spots (Figs. 33–34). Underside yellowish brown or brown.</p> <p>Body medium, broadly oval, moderately convex, shining and glabrous (Figs. 33–35). Head comparatively small, width 0.41X elytral width (HW/EW=2.44); punctures on frons moderately large, separated by 0.3–0.8X their diameter, with short golden setae in punctures; eyes small (Fig. 35), broadly oval, widest interocular distance 0.57X width of head. Pronotum 0.66X elytral width (PW/EW=1: 1.52), pronotal punctures similar to those on head, separated by 0.5–1.5X their diameter. Punctures on elytra slightly larger than those on pronotum, separated by 0.3–1.0X their diameter. Pro- and mesosterna smooth, with several hairs. Punctures on metasternum fine, separated by 2.0–4.0X their diameter, with short setae in punctures.</p> <p>Male genitalia: Penis long, slender, penis capsule with a distinctly outer process and a long inner one, apex simple, pointed (Fig. 60); penis guide in lateral view slender, widest at base, then gradually tapering to apex, apex slightly arcuate, pointed (Fig. 61); parameres slender, sparsely setose at apex and base, slightly longer than penis guide; penis guide in ventral view stout, long oval, apex rounded (Fig. 62).</p> <p>Female genitalia: Coxites elongate, 6.0X as long as wide, tapering to blunt apices, each with long terminal setae (Fig. 64); spermatheca with a large nodulus and a slender cornu, nodulus 2X as thick as cornu (Fig. 63).</p> <p> <b>Specimens examined. China, Yunnan:</b> 1 female, Mengla, Xishuangbanna, 23.viii.2005, Wang XM leg; 1 male, Xiaomengyang, Xishuangbanna, 27.iv.2008, Wang XM leg; 1 male, Wangtianshu, Mengla, Xishuangbanna, 2.v.2008, Wang XM leg; 1 male, Jiluoshan, Xishuangbanna, 3.v.2009, Wang XM leg.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> China (Yunnan) <b>new distribution</b>, Thailand.</p>Published as part of <i>Wang, Xingmin, Ren, Shunxiang & Chen, Xiaosheng, 2011, The genus Plotina Lewis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), with descriptions of four new species from China, pp. 57-68 in Zootaxa 2801</i> on pages 65-68, DOI: <a href="">10.5281/zenodo.202329</a&gt

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