Impacts of Reward Management Systems on Employee Performance”: A Study of Coca-Cola Kwanza Bottlers Company Ltd in Tanzania.


The study is on perceived effects of reward management systems on employee performance with the study of Coca-Cola Kwanza Bottlers Ltd in Tanzania. The study was guided by three research questions which were developed into hypotheses as predictors to the dependent variable which is employee performance. An exploratory research design was used to enable the information gathering process and questionnaires were used as appropriate data collection tool constituting closed ended questions. Analysis of the data was done using SPSS software version 19.0 to perform inferential tests to capture the existing relationship between independent and dependent variables of the study. Findings showed that all three predictors as independent variables were all positive and statistically significant on the dependent variable which is employee performance. With that, the study recommends that for successful performance of employees in the organization sector which is business oriented intrinsic, extrinsic rewards and employee satisfaction are among important remedies to remember and embrace to ensure total performance. The findings of this research study show that employee satisfaction on reward management system is the most important factor. If this reward is increased by one-unit performance increases by 3.489 units. This is followed by intrinsic rewards whose increase by on unit would increases performance by 3.222. Intrinsic rewards have little contribution compared to the two above mentioned factors. An increase of one unit of intrinsic rewards would increase the employee performance by 0.089. When all three variables are neglected, the employee performance would actually by negative, although this is only confirmed at 12.8%. Keywords: Reward management, employee performance, Coca-Cola Kwanza Bottler

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