Teachers’ Misconduct on Students’ Learning and Performance in Urambo District- Tabora.


The study focused on teachers’ misconduct on students’ learning and performance in Urambo district. The objectives of the study were to assess factors for teachers to behave unprofessionally, to examine the most occurring teachers’ misconduct behaviours in Urambo district, to examine relationship between teachers’ demonstrated misconduct behaviours and students’ performance, to determine which strategies can be used to minimize teachers’ misconduct behaviours for better teaching and learning processes. The study employed mixed research approach whereas both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed to collect and analyze data on teachers’ misconduct behaviours. Quantitative research approach was used to collect numerical and statistical data, which allow testing hypothesis systematically on teachers’ misconduct behaviours while qualitative approach was used to collect non numerical data which allows exploring ideas and experiences in depth about teachers’ misconduct behaviours. This study involved six wards and six schools in which six (06) heads of schools, thirty (30) Teachers, One (01) Teachers’ Services Commission office, One (01) District educational officer, One (01) District academic officer, 60 students and 10 community members making total of 109 participants. The study identified factors for teachers’ misconducts, common teachers’ misconduct behaviours in school level, how teachers’ misconduct behaviours affects teaching and learning process which in turn affects students’ performance and provided possible strategies to alleviate such problem in the society. Keywords: Teachers’ Misconduct on Students’ Learning and Performanc

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