Additional file 2 of Depletion of LONP2 unmasks differential requirements for peroxisomal function between cell types and in cholesterol metabolism


Additional file 2. The file contains the following sheets, preceded with 'U2OS' or 'COS-7' : 1. counts_allgenes = raw read counts for all detected genes. 2. counts_analysedgenes = raw not normalised read counts for genes with at least 4 reads in at least 3 samples in the dataset. This gene list was used for differential expression analysis. 3. Deseq2 = differential expression analysis. 4. transformed reads_vsd or transformed reads_rlog = Deseq2 transformation of reads, used for generating heatmaps. 5. counts_normalised = Deseq2 normalisation of reads, used for generating scatter and others plots of indivual gene expression levels. 6. overlay sheets = overlay of COS-7 and U2OS datasets

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