Deployment of Threshold Signatures for Securing Bitcoin Transactions


Blockchain technology, especially Bitcoin, has revolutionizedhow we think about and manage financial transactions.However, with the increasing demand and usage of blockchaintechnology, the security of cryptocurrency wallets has become acritical concern. Threshold signatures offer a promising solutionto this problem, allowing multiple parties to sign a transactionwithout revealing their private keys. This article presents an Androidmobile Bitcoin wallet application that uses Schnorr-basedthreshold signatures. The application also deploys smartwatchintegration for enhanced security and usability. This integrationprovides an additional layer of security by requiring physicalconfirmation from the user before approving any transaction.Our implementation provides a secure and efficient platform formanaging Bitcoin assets using threshold signatures while alsoproviding an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for interactingwith the application

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