
Islamic law is all the rules that contain the provisions of Allah SWT which contain obligations, prohibitions and choices aimed at all Muslims, including fiqh muamalah. Fiqh muamalah is defined as laws relating to human actions in worldly matters such as buying and selling, debts, commerce, unions, leasing and others. The development of the times has affected the form of muamalah or transactions carried out by mankind, one of which is in contracts or contracts. The contract in Islamic terms is referred to as the contract. The contract includes many things, one of which is the cooperation contract (syirkah). As is the case with the SNTRHM Barbershop business cooperation agreement with the Kotagede Islamic Boarding School Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Yogyakarta. The business capital that is used comes from the joper chicken livestock business which is assistance or a grant from the government. In the cooperation contract entered into by the SNTRHM Babershop with the Kotagede Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School, it is known that the business manager also has the status of the leader of the Islamic boarding school in 2019. This is known as a double status. The position of double status is very contrary to the terms and pillars of the syirkah contract. In addition, the author will analyze the practice of the collaboration, namely regarding the types of syirkah, the position of capital, and the system of syirkah. The four problems will be examined by the author with the theory of contracts and syirkah in Islamic law. The research method used by the author to solve the main problem above is a qualitative method in the form of field research, namely research that uses field data as primary data and is supported by various book references as a secondary data source. Then the subject matter is examined using descriptive methods and analyzed using contract theory in Islamic law. The conclusions of this study are (1) the syirkah model that is carried out is syirkah mud}a>rabah and its validity has been fulfilled in Islamic law, (2) the position of capital is held by the pesantren as (mud}a>rib) based on applicable law, (3) the parties or the subject of the contract in syirkah those are the SNTRHM managers and caregivers of the Kotagede Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School based on applicable law, and (4) The profit sharing system agreed by both parties in accordance with Islamic law is 36:64

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