Poređenje japanskih i srpskih bentonita u kompoziciji cement-jonoizmenjivačka smola-bentonitna glina


To assess the safety of disposal of radioactive waste material in cement, curing conditions and time of leaching radionuclides 137Cs have been studied. Leaching tests in cement-ion exchange resins-bentonite matrix, were carried out in accordance with a method recommended by IAEA. Curing conditions and curing time prior to commencing the leaching test are critically important in leach studies since the extent of hydration of the cement materials determines how much hydration product develops and whether it is available to block the pore network, thereby reducing leaching. Incremental leaching rates Rn(cm/d) of 137 Cs from cement-ion exchange resins-bentonite matrix after 60 days were measured. In this paper we compared two bentonite clay as sorption componente, from Japan and Serbia. The results presented in this paper are examples of results obtained in a 30-year concrete testing project which will influence the design of the engineer trenches system for future central Serbian radioactive waste disposal center.Da bi se procenila bezbednost odlaganje radioaktivnog otpadnog materijala u cementu, prouĉavan je stepen izluţivanja radionuklida 137Cs. Testovi izluţivanja radjeni su za kompoziciju cementa-jonoizmenjivaĉke smole i bentonita i sprovedene su u skladu sa postupkom preporuĉenog od IAEA. Vreme sušenja pre otpoĉinjanja liĉing testa je od suštinske vaţnosti u studijama izluţivanja, jer uticaj hidratacije cementa odreĊuje koliko se hidratacija proizvoda razvija i da li je od uticaja na blokadu pora, ĉime se smanjuje curenje radionuklida iz matriksa . U ovom radu poredjena su dva bentonita kao sorpcione komponente , iz Japana i Srbije . Rezultati prikazani u ovom radu su primeri rezultata 30-godišnjeg projekta sistema inţenjerskih rovova za buduće srpsko centralno odlagalište radioaktivnog otpada.XXVIII Симпозијум Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе, 30. септембар - 02. октобар 2015.Proceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9668

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