UA3/1/3 Scrapbook


Scrapbook regarding athletics, entertainment and establishment of Cumblerand Falls and Mammoth Cave parks. Index at front: Athletics pp. 1-25; 171-220 (includes local high schools) Bridge, Municipal pp. 166-170 Concerts pp. 26-46 Cumberland Falls State Park pp. 161-165 General pp. 66-76, 220-235, 245 - see list below General News of the School pp. 76-90 - see list below KEA p. 236 Local Clubs pp. 151-160 - see list below Mammoth Cave National Park pp. 92-110 Moss, McKenzie p. 91 ROTC Unit pp. 111-121 State Department - General News pp. 122-150 - see list below 1,520,962inRoadWarrantsCalled1381,520, 962 in Road Warrants Called - 138 786,102 Added to Highway Fund - 125 10 Schools Enroll in Oratorical Test - 232 2 State Department\u27s Payrolls Increasing - 122 3 Hurt as Autos Crash - 76 3 Lectures at Teachers - 75 30 Educators Put on Survey - 228 30-Year-Old President Inducted Into Office by Chicago University - 224 32 Counties in Spelling Bee - 226 7 Employees in Road Department Ouster - 132 81 at Richmond to Get Diplomas - 67 A Bit Out of the Ordinary - 232 A Bridge for Carrollton - 123 A Bungled Budget - 125 A Good Memory and a Generous Heart - 83 A memorable Occasion - 246 A Payroll Up 233 Per Cent - 128 A Pool Idea - 71 A Progressive and Important Move - 68 A Tragic Anniversary - 71 Academic Parade Planned by U. of L. - 233 Adairville Crowd Heard Local Band - 87 Against a State Public Service Commission - 124 An Educational Problem - 73 An Industrial Southland - 223 Annual Carnival Staged at Local School Saturday - 82 Annual Kentucky PTA Convention to be in City - 86 Appellate Court Gives Bank Right to Collect Debt - 136 Appellate Court Meets Today for Winter Sittings - 138 Armistice Day - 223 Art Rooms Opened Sat. 0 81 Assessments for Taxation - 138 Attack Does Not Hit One Member Only - 131 Auditor Gets Up Complete Roster of State Motors - 138 Authorship of \u27Progress\u27 Slogan is Traced to Dunn and Morgan - 127 Automobile Club\u27s 74 Guests Continue Trip in State Today - 66 Banner Year for Western is Presaged - 79 Bebe Daniels Made New Sampson Aide - 132 Begin Excavation for Building on College Heights - 88 Bell Say s M\u27Vey Liable to Be Misleading - 138 Ben Johnson Elected Head Ky. Road Body - 247 Best-Sized Farm to be Object of Scheduled Visit - 235 Better Pasture Mixtures Topic for Farm Meets - 227 Big Increase is Seen in State Budget - 137 Biggerstaff, Rose Biggerstaff-Smith Wedding - 80 Binks Active Planning for County Fair - 68 Blaze Damages Model School - 86 Board of Regents Re-Appoint Faculty - 76 Board of Trade to be Reorganized - 155 Bond Parley is Set for Today - 123 Bonding Firm Pays Shanks Judgment - 130 Both Hutchens to Address Students - 89 Bowling Green High School Breathitt Hits Sampson Rule - 132 Bridge Bond Ad to be Aired Today - 133 Bridge Bond Contract Hit at Hearing - 122 Brief Denies Right to Aid Power Group - 126 Budget Bill Allows Sums for Schools - 88 Burton, A.C. Business to be Greatly Helped by Construction - 88 Carol Singers Are to Be Heard Early This Evening, Word - 84 Carol Singing - 84 Cast of Characters in Green Stocking - 87 Cecil Myers Has Big Season With Corinth, Miss., Hi - 84 Chandler, Paul Charles Patterson Will Preside When KIP Meet Opens - 80 Charles Stevens, Western Gridder Dies of Injuries - 78 Chicago College President at Thirty - 224 Chosen as Envoy - 232 Christian Education - 69 Citizens National Bank Also Deplores W.D. McElroy\u27s Passing - 235 City School Board Ticket - 73 City\u27s Original Charter Found - 234 Clark, George Rogers - 233 Coleman Joins in Motor Row - 129 Coleman Named Commissioner - 123 Coleman, Clell College Choral Society to Give Vesper Services - 86 College High College High Will Present Noted Old Play Friday Night - 88 Commends the Board\u27 s Action - 67 Committee Chosen to Judge Essays - 235 Community Fair at Three Forks is Big Success - 73 Conference Held Here Thursday - 82 Contracts Given Out for Work on State Highways - 130 Coolidge, Calvin - 221 photo County Board to Help Libraries - 72 Court Faces Full Docket in New Term - 138 Court Holds Bridge Bond Sale Invalid - 122 Craig, Con Craig, W.J. Criticizing the College - 224 Cumberland Park to Open August 10 - 66 Curtailment Road Building in State Seen - 124 Dannelly, C.M. - 230 photo Dean State Varsity Speaks at BGBU - 86 Death Takes Outstanding Lawyer Here - 232 Debate Teams in Draw in Western Meet This Week - 88 Debate Teams in Draw in Western Meet This Week - 89 Debt of the Student - 228 Degreeless Dean Calls College Useless for Many - 230 Delegates for Meeting Named - 69 Demmys Scored for Ripper Bills - 247 Diddle, E.A. Directs Vesper Service - 85 Discuss Press Assn. Meeting - 223 Dishman Appeals from Verdict of Franklin Court - 127 Dishman, E.B. District Council of Teachers of Geography Set - 87 Donations Coming in for Museum at Teachers College - 88 Dr. A.M. Stickles Complimented on His Recent Work - 87 Dr. A.M. Stickles to Make Address - 72 Dr. Chandler is Heard in Speech at NEA Parley - 245 Dr. Cherry Speaks at Hardinsburg, Ky. - 80 Dr. Cherry to Speak - 80 Dr. Dannelly Inaugurated at Wesleyan - 230 Dr. Hutchins to Deliver Talk Here - 81 Dr. Jillson Sets Mineral Wealth at 167 Millions - 134 Dr. Osgood Comes to Local Church to Make Address - 225 Dr. Roemer is Given Post on Hi Schools Survey Board, Word - 81 Dr. Roemer is on Program for Two Talks at Parley - 226 photo Dr. Wells Re-elected as Head of Murray - 235 Dr. Whitmer to Give Illustrated Lecture - 76 Dr. Whitmer to Give Lecture on Sunday Evening at Church - 78 Dr. Whitmer Will Speak - 78 Dr. William Dodd to Lecture Here Three Mornings - 75 Eastern Costs Put at 716,676232EducatingtheEducated233EducationClubatWesternHasMeet87EducatorsofSouthtoMeet225Eggner2˘7sFerryProbeOffered125Elks154EnglishViewofKentuckyTags73EscapeofPrisonersinLawrenceScored123Essay,WrittenByLocalManWinsPrizefromNewspaper222EvacuationofCity,UnderFire,ByConfederates,isRecalled234Evans,W.A.HowtoKeepWell228ExcavationStartsonHealthBldg.89Expect500HereforStatePTAMeetNextMonth89ExPresidentReceivesFirstCopyofHisAutobiography221FamousStudentofQuakesDies225FarmDivisionReportReady137FarmersMeetHereFriday235FarmerstoMeettoHearDairyingTopicsDiscussed235FathertoSeeSonBecomeU.C.Head222FestivalOperaCompany34photoFieldTripPartyatGlacierPark77FinalDetailsofSpanBondIssueSetup,Parleyed133FinancialStatementofKentucky138FineProgramatTeachersChapel76FirePreventionWeekProclaimedbyGov.Sampson71FootballAds6,10,11,14,17,21,25photoFootballTeam9,15photoElizabethtownFootballTeam13photoForestTaxationandForestFires229FormAlumniofWesternKentuckyCollege88FormerLocalStudentMarriesinOwensboro80FourCasesWillNotBeHeardatJanuarySession138FoxHuntClosesMeet74Freeman,James.NationalCemeteries231FreshmanWeekBeingObservedatWestern78FriendofFourPresidentDiesatAdvancedAge232FurtherProbeByJuryisSeen128GeographyTeachersHoldMeetingHere87Gilbert,MollieGloverCaryReceivesTooMuch,Charge137GovernorGivesHigherRankstoLocalOfficials123GovernorLeavesforBreedingtoOpenUpHighway130GovernorSampsonSpeaksatParis132GovernortoAskAbolishmentofInspectorPlace137GovernortoAttendCampKnoxExercises124Governor,JudgesofAppealsBody,BoydBarGuests71GraduatesEightGradeW.C.Schools233GrandJuryNearEndofItsSift[sic]atCapital,Word130GrayLhevinne,Estelle31photoGreenStockingsPublicitySchemeforSeniorPlay87GreerFurnitureCompanyInstallsRadioatSchool81GroupMeetofTeachersisPlanned72GroupMeetingsHereGreatSuccess135H.D.BinksNamedAideUponStaffofGov.Sampson125HadleyStudentsStagePlayNextThursday,Oct.1773HanoverCollege225Harrison,William167photoHeadofChicagoUniversityWillSpeaktoGrads81Headsof10CountySchoolsWillMeet71HealthTestsAreGivenChildren80HenryFordSpeaksPlainly72HighSchoolMayHaveBand,AversProf.T.C.Cherry70HighwayDepartmentAuditIsCompleted138HomeComingBanquetGivenatTeachersCollege81HomeEconomicsSeniorsHonoredatBridgeParty81HonorRightlyBestowed247HoosierPoetWillBeLocalSpeaker222HoosiersVisitLincolnShrine67HooverPlanstoSeeLowerMilitaryExpense66Hoover,Herbert168,232photoHostetter,?27photoHull,Cordell230photoHutchens,Robert224photoHutchens,WilliamHutchinstoBecomeChicagoHeadToday223InDefenseoftheFan71IndustrialConferenceOpensonHeights134IndustrialConferenceOpensWeds.134InstructorsforWesternAreElected77IntelligenceTests227ItalianGardenatOgdenCampusBeingRapidlyShapedUp82IzaackWaltonLocalLeague151154JamesSpeed,NotedEditortoAddressChapelatWestern76Jillson,WillardJohnBrownNamedCountyAgentforTermofOneYear229Johnson,BenJudgeisNamed134JudgeLoganforUnitedStatesSenator133JudgeRowan2˘7sLawOffice224JudgeWilsonGivesPraise87JuniorAudobonClubHoldsMeet,StagesProgram228JupliterPluviusBadlyWanted81Kent,Raymond235photoKentuckyExpertonEducationtoMake2Speeches226KentuckyHotelAssociation154KentuckyMap97,169photoKentuckyMuseumKentuckyProgressCommission135KentuckyRoominLibrary,Plan,EKU67Kentucky2˘7sGrowth231KeownAsksActionAgainstL.H.Heaton130Keown,RollieKIPADelegation89photoKiwanis151152Ky.Warrantsof716,676 - 232 Educating the Educated - 233 Education Club at Western Has Meet - 87 Educators of South to Meet - 225 Eggner\u27s Ferry Probe Offered - 125 Elks - 154 English View of Kentucky Tags - 73 Escape of Prisoners in Lawrence Scored - 123 Essay, Written By Local Man Wins Prize from Newspaper - 222 Evacuation of City, Under Fire, By Confederates, is Recalled - 234 Evans, W.A. How to Keep Well - 228 Excavation Starts on Health Bldg. - 89 Expect 500 Here for State PTA Meet Next Month - 89 Ex-President Receives First Copy of His Autobiography - 221 Famous Student of Quakes Dies - 225 Farm Division Report Ready - 137 Farmers Meet Here Friday - 235 Farmers to Meet to Hear Dairying Topics Discussed - 235 Father to See Son Become U.C. Head - 222 Festival Opera Company - 34 photo Field Trip Party at Glacier Park - 77 Final Details of Span Bond Issue Setup, Parleyed - 133 Financial Statement of Kentucky - 138 Fine Program at Teachers Chapel - 76 Fire Prevention Week Proclaimed by Gov. Sampson - 71 Football Ads - 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 21, 25 photo Football Team - 9, 15 photo Elizabethtown Football Team - 13 photo Forest Taxation and Forest Fires - 229 Form Alumni of Western Kentucky College - 88 Former Local Student Marries in Owensboro - 80 Four Cases Will Not Be Heard at January Session - 138 Fox Hunt Closes Meet - 74 Freeman, James. National Cemeteries - 231 Freshman Week Being Observed at Western - 78 Friend of Four President Dies at Advanced Age - 232 Further Probe By Jury is Seen - 128 Geography Teachers Hold Meeting Here - 87 Gilbert, Mollie Glover Cary Receives Too Much, Charge - 137 Governor Gives Higher Ranks to Local Officials - 123 Governor Leaves for Breeding to Open Up Highway - 130 Governor Sampson Speaks at Paris - 132 Governor to Ask Abolishment of Inspector Place - 137 Governor to Attend Camp Knox Exercises - 124 Governor, Judges of Appeals Body, Boyd Bar Guests - 71 Graduates Eight Grade W.C. Schools - 233 Grand Jury Near End of Its Sift [sic] at Capital, Word - 130 Gray-Lhevinne, Estelle - 31 photo Green Stockings Publicity Scheme for Senior Play - 87 Greer Furniture Company Installs Radio at School - 81 Group Meet of Teachers is Planned - 72 Group Meetings Here Great Success - 135 H.D. Binks Named Aide Upon Staff of Gov. Sampson - 125 Hadley Students Stage Play Next Thursday, Oct. 17 - 73 Hanover College - 225 Harrison, William - 167 photo Head of Chicago University Will Speak to Grads - 81 Heads of 10 County Schools Will Meet - 71 Health Test s Are Given Children - 80 Henry Ford Speaks Plainly - 72 High School May Have Band, Avers Prof. T.C. Cherry - 70 Highway Department Audit Is Completed - 138 Home Coming Banquet Given at Teachers College - 81 Home Economics Seniors Honored at Bridge Party - 81 Honor Rightly Bestowed - 247 Hoosier Poet Will Be Local Speaker - 222 Hoosiers Visit Lincoln Shrine - 67 Hoover Plans to See Lower Military Expense - 66 Hoover, Herbert - 168, 232 photo Hostetter, ? - 27 photo Hull, Cordell - 230 photo Hutchens, Robert - 224 photo Hutchens, William Hutchins to Become Chicago Head Today - 223 In Defense of the Fan - 71 Industrial Conference Opens on Heights - 134 Industrial Conference Opens Weds. - 134 Instructors for Western Are Elected - 77 Intelligence Tests - 227 Italian Garden at Ogden Campus Being Rapidly Shaped Up - 82 Izaack Walton Local League - 151-154 James Speed, Noted Editor to Address Chapel at Western - 76 Jillson, Willard John Brown Named County Agent for Term of One Year - 229 Johnson, Ben Judge is Named - 134 Judge Logan for United States Senator - 133 Judge Rowan\u27s Law Office - 224 Judge Wilson Gives Praise - 87 Junior Audobon Club Holds Meet, Stages Program - 228 Jupliter Pluvius Badly Wanted - 81 Kent, Raymond - 235 photo Kentucky Expert on Education to Make 2 Speeches - 226 Kentucky Hotel Association - 154 Kentucky Map - 97, 169 photo Kentucky Museum Kentucky Progress Commission - 135 Kentucky Room in Library, Plan, EKU - 67 Kentucky\u27s Growth - 231 Keown Asks Action Against L.H. Heaton - 130 Keown, Rollie KIPA Delegation - 89 photo Kiwanis - 151-152 Ky. Warrants of 10,009,000 - 122 L.T. Smith Named to Official Post on SIAA Body - 84 Lack of Records Hinders Vet Probe - 127 Legality of Tax Sums in Highway Budget, is Tried - 124 Legion Parade Plans Are Told - 221 Legislature Can Pay for Prayers - 136 Librarians Hear Kentucky History - 72 License Tag Drive to Go into Courts - 126 Literacy and Immigration - 70 Local Boy Given High Honors for His Studiousness - 89 Local Boy Makes Mark - 245 Logan, Mills Lowe Johnson is New Director of Training School - 77 Mammoth Cave - 96 photo Markham, Edward. Let There Be No More Battles - 223 Mayor Proclaims Forget-Me-Not Day as Saturday - 70 McCoy, G.R. M\u27Coy Named as Teachers Group Chief - 74 M\u27Cracken Judge Rapped by Keown, State Inspector - 122 McVey, Frank Memorandum Rule from Judge B.G. Williams Given - 133 Mesdames Francis and Gaines Elected Delegates - 85 Million and Half Warrants Called In - 138 Milner, Rosamond. News and Reviews of Current Books - 222 Mismanagement Laid to Paducah College Regents - 122 Miss Gaines and Mrs. Byrn Return from PTA Meet - 85 More Below the Surface - 130 Morehead to Get 200,000Building224Morgan,Geoffrey.LettertotheEditor134Morrison,GeorgiaMoser,Elizabeth.CollegeHeights,theBeautiful,lettertotheeditor82MothersClubMetThursdayAfternoon85MothersClubMetYesterdayAfternoon88MoveAgainstProgressonTagsFails128Mr.Burton2˘7sObservations77Mr.Craig2˘7sMistake131Mrs.GilberttobeLaidtoRestatShadyGrove82Mrs.MyrtleCloudDiedatHospital80MunicipalBridge169photoMurrayBandtoPlayatBenton221MusicGroupPicksHead75MusicPupilsGiveProgramonHeights84MusicalProgramonHillMonday79NancyHanks2˘7Birthplace70NationalOratoricalContestVictorsGetEuropeanTrip225NeedforEducation226NewBristowSchool227photoNewDirectorforTeachersTraining78NewMayortoTakeReinsofGovernment226NewPresidentisInaugurated225NewRoadisOpened130NicholsStaysinRehabilitationJob124NormalRegentstoMeetHereJuly3076NotedSingerHereSunday85OcalaGirlsCloseSuccessfulSeasonWithJustOneLoss87OgdenGradsAttendFeed,RenewBonds84OgdenMenMakeFinalPlansforAnnualBanquet84OldNewsyFoundHere80OrchestrafromWesternGoestoAdairville,Ky.87Osgood,ElliottOusterofLeeClerkSought132Over500NewPupilsatTeachers2˘7College89OverThousandTeachersHere81PaducahJudgeisHitbyKeown123Page,GeorgeParkBureauHasSpentLittleinSalaries,Report122ParkDedicatedNearPineville67Parker,Albert225PartyGivenLastNightatCedarHouse88PayTributeatLincolnShrine69Payne,Henry135photoPersonsWhoDesireParkSignPapers229PlanOpeningPublicSchools67PlansforMemorialtoClarkArePicked233PresentProgramThisMorningatShadyGroveHi227PresentsArtCollectiontoWesternandOgdenCollege83Prof.BurtonSpeaksatHiSchoolChapel87Prof.CraigGetsThanksforGiftofNeededBooks89Prof.Page2˘7sFatherIll80Prof.StrahmtoBeinProgramatB.U.80Prof.WilleyGoestoDaviessMeeting87ProgramforAnnualFeedisComplete84ProgramPutonbyTwoWesternFacultyMembers80ProgressBoardtoMeetMondayinKentonTown129ProgressBodyPlans2˘7SeeKentucky2˘7Tours125ProgressLabelonTagsTarget126ProgressTagstobeHitinSuit126ProminentinParentTeacherWork73photoProtectionofOurForestsisImportant231PupilsofLocalSchoolPenGoodReviewsofBooks82PurchaseRoadBidsareOpened124RadioinNewsandEducation66RegentsMeet76RegentsofWesterntoParleyWednesday76RegistrarisBusyEnrollingStudentsEnteringWestern89RehearingsofBondSuitAsked126ReorganizationofSchoolBoardFeaturesParley227ReportsSoughtforBudgetCommission123ResearchShowsProgressinCountySchoolAdministration231ResolutionsArePassedonDeathofT.W.Thomas235RetiringJusticeandSuccessor232Richardson,E.A.222photoRichardsvilleandCollegeHighMeet227RoadBidsCalledfor7Counties132RoadBodySaysFundsLacking124RoadBodytoMeetToday,Plan2˘7SetUp2˘7122RoadBudgetIncreaseO.K.127RoadDepartmentOusts7Employees132RoadFundSolvent,JohnsonSays128RobinsonandOgdenMedaltobeGiven89RockfieldHiStudentsinBigPageant72RockfieldWillHaveYulePlayonNextFriday228RockyMountainFieldTripforWestern,atEnd78Rodes,John226Roemer,Joseph226photoRotaryClub154RowanSchoolHeadIndicted74RuralSchoolTourneyOpens221Sackett,Frederick232photoSalariestoRuralTeacherstoRemainatPresentLevels66SampsonStartsHisMarineCorps126SampsonTalksatParkOpening67Sampson,Flem168photoSandlemanACapellaChoir32photoSchoolCreditsforMedicalExaminations234SchoolFundsShowDecline129SchoolHeadsPlanSession227SchoolHeadsWillDiscussStandards73SchoolReadyforOpening78SchoolRevenueDrops200,000 Building - 224 Morgan, Geoffrey. Letter to the Editor - 134 Morrison, Georgia Moser, Elizabeth. College Heights, the Beautiful, letter to the editor - 82 Mothers Club Met Thursday Afternoon - 85 Mothers Club Met Yesterday Afternoon - 88 Move Against Progress on Tags Fails - 128 Mr. Burton\u27s Observations - 77 Mr. Craig\u27s Mistake - 131 Mrs. Gilbert to be Laid to Rest at Shady Grove - 82 Mrs. Myrtle Cloud Died at Hospital - 80 Municipal Bridge - 169 photo Murray Band to Play at Benton - 221 Music Group Picks Head - 75 Music Pupils Give Program on Heights - 84 Musical Program on Hill Monday - 79 Nancy Hanks\u27 Birthplace - 70 National Oratorical Contest Victors Get European Trip - 225 Need for Education - 226 New Bristow School - 227 photo New Director for Teachers Training - 78 New Mayor to Take Reins of Government - 226 New President is Inaugurated - 225 New Road is Opened - 130 Nichols Stays in Rehabilitation Job - 124 Normal Regents to Meet Here July 30 - 76 Noted Singer Here Sunday - 85 Ocala Girls Close Successful Season With Just One Loss - 87 Ogden Grads Attend Feed, Renew Bonds - 84 Ogden Men Make Final Plans for Annual Banquet - 84 Old Newsy Found Here - 80 Orchestra from Western Goes to Adairville, Ky. - 87 Osgood, Elliott Ouster of Lee Clerk Sought - 132 Over 500 New Pupils at Teachers\u27 College - 89 Over Thousand Teachers Here - 81 Paducah Judge is Hit by Keown - 123 Page, George Park Bureau Has Spent Little in Salaries, Report - 122 Park Dedicated Near Pineville - 67 Parker, Albert - 225 Party Given Last Night at Cedar House - 88 Pay Tribute at Lincoln Shrine - 69 Payne, Henry - 135 photo Persons Who Desire Park Sign Papers - 229 Plan Opening Public Schools - 67 Plans for Memorial to Clark Are Picked - 233 Present Program This Morning at Shady Grove Hi - 227 Presents Art Collection to Western and Ogden College - 83 Prof. Burton Speaks at Hi School Chapel - 87 Prof. Craig Gets Thanks for Gift of Needed Books - 89 Prof. Page\u27s Father Ill - 80 Prof. Strahm to Be in Program at B.U. - 80 Prof. Willey Goes to Daviess Meeting - 87 Program for Annual Feed is Complete - 84 Program Put on by Two Western Faculty Members - 80 Progress Board to Meet Monday in Kenton Town - 129 Progress Body Plans \u27See Kentucky \u27 Tours - 125 Progress Label on Tags Target - 126 Progress Tags to be Hit in Suit - 126 Prominent in Parent-Teacher Work - 73 photo Protection of Our Forests is Important - 231 Pupils of Local School Pen Good Reviews of Books - 82 Purchase Road Bids are Opened - 124 Radio in News and Education - 66 Regents Meet - 76 Regents of Western to Parley Wednesday - 76 Registrar is Busy Enrolling Students Entering Western - 89 Rehearings of Bond Suit Asked - 126 Reorganization of School Board Features Parley - 227 Reports Sought for Budget Commission - 123 Research Shows Progress in County School Administration - 231 Resolutions Are Passed on Death of T.W. Thomas - 235 Retiring Justice and Successor - 232 Richardson, E.A. - 222 photo Richardsville and College High Meet - 227 Road Bids Called for 7 Counties - 132 Road Body Says Funds Lacking - 124 Road Body to Meet Today, Plan \u27Set-Up\u27 - 122 Road Budget Increase O.K. - 127 Road Department Ousts 7 Employees - 132 Road Fund Solvent, Johnson Says - 128 Robinson and Ogden Medal to be Given - 89 Rockfield Hi Students in Big Pageant - 72 Rockfield Will Have Yule Play on Next Friday - 228 Rocky Mountain Field Trip for Western, at End - 78 Rodes, John - 226 Roemer, Joseph - 226 photo Rotary Club - 154 Rowan School Head Indicted - 74 Rural School Tourney Opens - 221 Sackett, Frederick - 232 photo Salaries to Rural Teachers to Remain at Present Levels - 66 Sampson Starts His Marine Corps - 126 Sampson Talks at Park Opening - 67 Sampson, Flem - 168 photo Sandleman A Capella Choir - 32 photo School Credits for Medical Examinations - 234 School Funds Show Decline - 129 School Heads Plan Session - 227 School Heads Will Discuss Standards - 73 School Ready for Opening - 78 School Revenue Drops 160,000 - 124 Schools Here Lose 183,32166SchoolsWillCloseFridayforHoliday84Scott,Henri34photoScottsvilleBasketballTeam,1930197photoSecondSemesteratWesternWillOpenJanuary1185SecondSummerTermisOpenedatEastern66SenatorSackettAnnounces74ServicesHeldforJudgeW.E.Settle133SeveralWesternTeachersTakingupDegreeStudy85ShanksCaseOpensAgaininFranklin129ShanksCivilCaseTrialtoStartToday130ShanksSuitisSetforSept.17128ShanksSuitsatEndAfterCheckHandedtoState130Shanks,WilliamSheriffIsHeldinArrearsWhenReportIsFiled131SimpsonOfficialsinArrears,Report123SingingMeetWillbeHeldUponHillSunday,October1380SmallCollegesMightTryIt234Smith,RaymondSmith,SamuelSnell,Perry83photoSocialWorkersConveneToday75Some2˘7N2˘7WordsHeldDifficult245SophomoreDayisObservedonHill89SpanBondSuitHearingToday122SpecialMusicalProgramPlannedforChapelHour79SpecialProgramatWesternWillbeGivenMonday82SpecialServicetobeHeldonHillonSundayJanuary1985SpringTermOpenedTodayatTeachers89SpringfieldManNamedtoAppealCourtJudgeship133Stannard,William27,28photoStateBoardComingHereNovember13133StateBudgetUp183,321 - 66 Schools Will Close Friday for Holiday - 84 Scott, Henri - 34 photo Scottsville Basketball Team, 1930 - 197 photo Second Semester at Western Will Open January 11 - 85 Second Summer Term is Opened at Eastern - 66 Senator Sackett Announces - 74 Services Held for Judge W.E. Settle - 133 Several Western Teachers Taking up Degree Study - 85 Shanks Case Opens Again in Franklin - 129 Shanks Civil Case Trial to Start Today - 130 Shanks Suit is Set for Sept. 17 - 128 Shanks Suits at End After Check Handed to State - 130 Shanks, William Sheriff Is Held in Arrears When Report Is Filed - 131 Simpson Officials in Arrears, Report - 123 Singing Meet Will be Held Upon Hill Sunday, October 13 - 80 Small Colleges Might Try It - 234 Smith, Raymond Smith, Samuel Snell, Perry - 83 photo Social Workers Convene Today - 75 Some \u27N\u27 Words Held Difficult - 245 Sophomore Day is Observed on Hill - 89 Span Bond Suit Hearing Today - 122 Special Musical Program Planned for Chapel Hour - 79 Special Program at Western Will be Given Monday - 82 Special Service to be Held on Hill on Sunday January 19 - 85 Spring Term Opened Today at Teachers - 89 Springfield Man Named to Appeal Court Judgeship - 133 Stannard, William - 27, 28 photo State Board Coming Here November 13 - 133 State Budget Up 2,300,000 in Estimates - 137 State Election is Certified - 136 State Forester Plans Wood Study - 134 State Game Park at Carter Cave Planned - 224 State Has Right to Collect from Cities for Gas - 128 State is Given Hardin Portrait - 136 State is Paid 10,000EndsShanksCase129StateLetsOil,GasContracts127StateLibrariansHoldConvention72StateParkDedicated67StateParkInns224StatePropertyWorth3Billion127StateRoadBodyforIndianaSpan138StateSecretary2˘7sPayFixedat10,000 Ends Shanks Case - 129 State Lets Oil, Gas Contracts - 127 State Librarians Hold Convention - 72 State Park Dedicated - 67 State Park Inns - 224 State Property Worth 3 Billion - 127 State Road Body for Indiana Span - 138 State Secretary\u27s Pay Fixed at 4,000 State to Drop Covington Span - 123 Steamboat - 168 photo Stevens\u27 Death Curtails Drill at Western - 78 Storage Bin Being Placed at Heating Plant on Heights - 82 Strahm, Franz - 85 photo Student Government Praised at Meeting - 72 Study Kentucky Awhile - 245 Subsidizing Athletes - 226 Suit to Test Progress Tags - 125 Sup. Cherry Wins Prize for Having Hooked Big Fish - 245 Superintendents of Schools Close Meet - 227 Support for Schools Not To Be Ended - 222 Survey Ready U.S. Forest - 225 Taft, William Howard - 232 photo Taft\u27s Death Matter of Hours, Is Fear - 235 Tag Plea Lost by Motor Club - 127 Tag Suit Hearing to Be Held Today - 127 Teachers\u27 Band Heard Tuesday - 88 Teachers Band to Give Concert - 86 Teachers Here Friday - 80 Teachers in 3D Open Meeting - 74 Teachers in 3D to Meet Today - 74 Teachers Income Tax - 129 Teachers Parley Here Ends After Two Day Session - 76 Teachers to Meet Here Friday with Western for Host - 80 Teachers Training to Hold Carnival - 82 Tennessee\u27s Lincoln Celebration - 234 The Highway Record - 123 The Kentucky State Industrial College - 69 The Last Leader of Music Hall - 246 The School Bond Issue - 75 The World Federation of Educational Associations - 68 Theme on Indian Fort Written by Glenmore Pupils - 221 Third District P.T. Assn. Meet - 69 Thomas W. Thomas\u27 Death - 233 Thomas, R.C.P. - 232 photo Three Forks is to Buy Books on $50 School Gets - 221 To Insure Honest Election Counts - 247 Tom Hunt - 228 Tom Hunt and His Pastor - 228 Tondorf, Francis - 225 Training School Faculty to Have Reception - 80 Training School PTA Has Interesting Meeting - 86 Training School PTA Meets Wednesday Afternoon - 87 Training School PTA Will Meet on Wednesday - 82 Training School PTA Will Meet on Wednesday - 87 Training School to Open on Thursday - 78 Trip to Rocky Mountains On - 76 Two Counties to Send All School Teachers to City - 66 U.K. Income Report is Target of McVey - 138 U.S. Army Band - 27-30 photo Union Church Service Here is Arranged - 225 University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Rifle Team, 1930 - 112 photo Unmerited Criticisms - 246 Unusual Card for Chapel at Western is Offered Today - 76 Vardaman in Plea to Buy in Home City - 70 Vesper Service at Teachers Sunday P.M. - 85 Vest, Christine - 234 photo Visit Chaney Farm - 73 Visits Chicago, Wilber Huston - 70 photo W.J. Hutchins to Talk at Western - 81 Wallace Case Goes Over Term - 128 Wallace, James War on Kentucky for Progress - 125 Warren Officials Make Settlement - 132 Warren Spellers to Hold County Contest - 245 Warren Students at Teachers\u27 Organize - 81 Weather Halts Highway Work - 134 Webb, Ethel - 229 photo Weiner Roast Given by Miss Hancock\u27s Room - 80 Weiner Roast Given for Training School Pupils - 81 Wells, Rainey Wesleyan to Install President Today - 229 Western Band Plays at Cave for Solons - 89 Western Band to Give 2 Programs at Theatre Here - 88 Western Band, in New Uniforms, in March Thru City - 82 Western Chorus\u27 Broadcast to Be in Vesper Form - 84 Western Faculty Members Will be Spelling Judges - 88 Western Field Now Ready for Athletes - 77 Western Museum Open to Public Tomorrow, Report - 81 Western Normal Gridder Dies - 79 Western Normal Regents to Meet - 76 Western Normal to Be Opened Sept. 16 - 77 Western Pair in Motor Mishap at Gallatin, Report - 76 Western Paper Gets Award at Parley of Collegiate Editors - 89 Western Regents to Hold Meet Saturday - 82 Western Schedules Two Commencements - 89 Western Starts Mapping Finals for Late in May - 89 Western Tops 1st Year Mark - 79 Western Tourers at Yellowstone Park, is Message - 77 Western Will Open Sept. 12 - 77 What Men of Distinction Thing of the BGBU - 224 Whitmer to Lecture on The Holy Land - 76 Whitmer, J.R. Wider Range of Study is School Plan - 235 Wider Range of Study is School Plan - 77 Wilcox, Ansley - 232 Will Teach President\u27s School - 234 Wilson, Woodrow Woodrow Wilson\u27s Birthday - 22

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