Trichobezoars in praomys (mastomys) natalensis


We have in a rat model studied the role of gastric neuroendocrine cells in the regulation of gastric function and growth and given indication for an important role of these cells in physiology and human carcinogenesis. Because of the high incidence of spontaneous tumors in the glandular stomach of mastomys (Praomys (mastomys) natalensis), we wanted to investigate if mastomys might be an useful model for our further studies.Tumors. were recognized in several organs of our mastomys, but not in the stomach. However, a high incidence oftrichobezoars was observed in the stomach and intestine, and obstruction from thesewas the cause of illness and death for many of them.Multiple factors are involved in the formation of bezoars. and these are discussed in relation to the occurrence in our mastomys colony

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